For the last time, I am not a vendor...! :P Anyway, if you want to tell me what's up, go ahead and PM me cerebro. My public key is in my signature if you want to encrypt it. It's not like you have to ask or anything... anybody who wants to can PM me. Fuck, the worst that'll happen is I'll put your PM off till later because I'm crashing and then forget later because I already read it & it's no longer showing as a new message to remind me ::){SNIP} Fuck it, I meant to make the guy feel better, not make you all pity me. Sheesh.Optimism, my man. Always optimism. Not because it makes you feel better (though it does), but because a positive attitude truly does help good things happen. No, not because of some weird funky energy you put out into the universe, hah... mostly because we tend to subconsciously make the things we believe will happen, happen.Yeah, that's enough for now I think. I guess all I'm saying is don't be so hard on yourself. And porn (of whatever kind)? Dude... you wouldn't believe how much time I've lost to sex and porn. Really, I don't think you'd believe it :P I wish you well, man. Just as I wish all of my brothers here well... :)