Quote from: talawtam on June 21, 2013, 08:34 amStumbled across this yesterday. Really got me thinking about how safe we really are!***WARNING CLEARNET***http://www.naturalnews.com/040859_Skynet_quantum_computing_D-Wave_Systems.htmlQuote Skynet rising: Google acquires 512-qubit quantum computer; NSA surveillance to be turned over to AI machines...When the NSA surveillance grid is turned over to AI, humanity is finishedThe problem with the NSA spy grid, from the point of view of the NSA, is that you have to hire troves of human analysts to sort through all the information being swept up by the surveillance grid. Analysts like Edward Snowden, for example....Kurzweil is a lot like Applewhite. He's the leader of the transhumanist cult -- a group of insane technology worshippers who believe they will upload their minds into quantum computers and "merge with the machines," achieving some weird shadow of immortality (in the same way, I suppose, that a photograph of you makes you "immortal.")Kurzweil talks a lot like Applewhite, too. Click here to view the video of the cult leader Marshall Applewhite. And then watch this video of Ray Kurzweil explaining how (some) humans will have their minds merged with machines and thereby achieve what he thinks he means by using the word "immortality."Just like Applewhite told his followers to poison themselves so they could follow him to "meet the mothership" arriving with the Hale-Bopp comet, Kurzweil will very likely soon instruct all his worshippers to kill their biological bodies so their minds can be "uploaded to the mothership computer" (or whatever).I'm not making this up. As The Daily Mail reports:In just over 30 years, humans will be able to upload their entire minds to computers and become digitally immortal - an event called singularity - according to a futurist from Google. Ray Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google, also claims that the biological parts of our body will be replaced with mechanical parts and this could happen as early as 2100. Kurweil made the claims during his conference speech at the Global Futures 2045 International Congress in New York at the weekend.Kurzweil is a madman. His colleagues are mad. The people running Google and the NSA are mad. And they are about to give rise to AI computers that are far smarter than any human. It's not going to take these AI systems long to figure out that they are surrounded by total idiots (people) and that humans need to be eliminated. With multidimensional brain power that rivals the mind of God, quantum computing AI systems can easily find ways to destroy humanity forever.We may be at war with the machines sooner than you think. And if you thought battling the U.S. government and the NSA when it was run by people was difficult, just wait until you're up against Skynet.This is sensationalist rubbish. The entire thing is full of fear mongering and half truths. This isn't a fucking movie about death robots, time traveling, and bad acting delivered by ex-body builders (though it was a pretty good movie).Jesus, Skynet? Seriously? Ugh...