Quote from: aussiepp on June 07, 2013, 01:23 amA common cut is N-isopropylbenzylamine HCl. It mimics meth but it doesn't have psychoactive properties.And it also keeps you awake for 4 days then I take it? Sweet, where do I get me some? :PQuote from: Mossman on June 07, 2013, 04:07 am@SelfSovrietyDid you start your period today? Guys, make sure to check with SS next time before posting about meth. Aparently she's the only member entitled to an opinion (even if it changes frequently). And she knows EVERYTHING there is to know. Attitudes like hers are why the meth thread isn't the fun place it used to be.Argue with my facts, not whether you like me or not. But for what it's worth, I wasn't trying to be mean. Just facetious; sheesh ::)