Quote from: xKatonkax on May 27, 2013, 06:43 amQuote from: MindBlower on May 26, 2013, 11:23 pmQuote from: xKatonkax on May 26, 2013, 07:50 pmI appreciate it, and good riddance on that asshole. Its nice again around here now that he stopped posting all that garbage.Agreed. I have been lurking for a while, and just decided to become social, he was getting very annoying. I almost bought from him, but I am lucky enough to have a damn good local connection for my gear. Most new meth dealers seem incredibly sketchy on the road. For a while I was thinking about vending, but I feel like the current top dogs have the market on lock.Anyone check the new listings? Someone is selling aqua blue meth. I wonder how that food coloring does in a glass pipe.Speaking of that infin fellow, his idea of glass canisters to hold your gear in is a good one, but only if its whole shards, and no powder. Mailing glass contaiers full of ice is also a really stupid idea. Check the picture below, I never have any powder at the end of my stash, just shard mc shard shard. Shard shard shard.http://xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/qicpic/files/7eo.jpgPeace! Yep, CrystalShip with that Breaking Bad Blue Sky. Id say someone should jump on it and see. If I had 110 more dollars to spare atm I would myself cause Im super interested in seeing if its good product. Btw man, those are some sexy shards in that picture. Gotta say.Unless it's some weird fucked up thing that only academics know about because you can only find out about it in paid research journals, there is NO COOK that will leave the product with a blue coloring the way it has in Breaking Bad. At least not that I know of, but I admit, my knowledge is kind of... outdated these days. Haven't kept up with any of it since I decided subsidizing my own habit was more trouble than it's worth (i.e. I'd rather just buy the stuff, less risk and less hassle).Having pure gear is a smart choice in the beginning... the fact is that AFTER you establish a customer base, it becomes economical to start cutting. Short to mid term, anyway. If you didxn't have to worry about getting arrested or something, the smart choice would be to keep pure gear forever: cutting is not the most profitable thing long term. What I'm saying is that somebody trying to get customers with pure "flash" like food coloring and not content like methamphetamine-to-cut ratio isn't the sort of fellow I would expect superior gear from. But that's just me; weirder things have happened, ya know.BTW, nobody's got my business on lock. Believe me, there's plenty of room for somebody to be king of the mountain. Hammertime's gear is garbage (I'm sorry, but I've tried it twice now, it just... I mean it's fucking awful FOR ME, but a lot of people seem to like it, so...). Kush411 is... well Kush is Kush. I don't buy from him anymore. He was the king, but his gear was no longer worth the price and I moved on. The Dope Spot was... overrated. Fast Forward I have no personal experience with, but I'm not bothering to try him. If I'm wrong, somebody say so. Xinhai or whatever the fuck ships from Taiwan or some place, and doesn't sound like his gear is all that. It's kinda pricey too, or at least was when I looked at him before. Everybody else gets fucking banned or popped or just loses their mind before I can decide whether or not I want something like an ounce from them, LOL...... Chaletla is the only guy (group of guys, whatever) that I keep going back to. I'll pay a higher price if the gear is really superior, but the problem is I can't find anybody with fucking superior gear. I believe everyone else feels the same, or similarly at least, hence the rush when TJ said IS had awesome shards. The problem with Chaletla is that the cut isn't evenly distributed. I mean not even just within the same sack is it evenly distributed... sooooo... yeah. It's like a grab bag. But you always get SOME meth and it's always cheap :PNobody's got the market on lock.P.S. - why are you people even responding to Infinite anymore? I mean it isn't obvious to all of you that he's just a troll? Ignore him. Don't even respond. Seriously, just don't even read his posts.