Quote from: Jack N Hoff on April 26, 2013, 10:12 pmQuote from: lukeuser on April 26, 2013, 09:32 pmQuote from: SelfSovereignty on April 26, 2013, 03:34 pmVICE... isn't that the nice journalist lady that posts on occasion? Oh, come now, I expected more from you -- Bitcoin is so incredibly NOT not traceable. As in it is traceable -- double negatives cancel :) Still, it's nice to see them called friendly instead of child raping scum or whatever lie they're on about this week...How so? If you use Tor, and sell your Bitcoins for cash in post for example, it can be very untraceable surely.I think he means the by fact that everybody has access to the full transaction history.Precisely :) It's a very simple matter to trace bitcoin transactions. To say the currency is "untraceable" is pretty much a lie. To say it's possible to be used with perfect anonymity if you're very careful wouldn't be, but I assume the writer just isn't that familiar with how Bitcoin really works as opposed to phrasing it ambiguously.