Quote from: pkizenko98 on April 18, 2013, 08:38 pmThat's awesome man. I have a similar story. Recently I have been just as honest in real life about everything as I am on the forums. Brutally honest, no sugar coating whatsoever. That saying that "The Truth Hurts", I have basically proven that without a doubt to myself recently. Most people cannot take it and lash out violently when they receive it. I have had to be very careful with my mouth, It's very dangerous. I have completely distanced myself from the bullshit and the lies the rest of the world tells themselves. I have lost a couple friends along this journey, but have gained better ones. I don't know your situation self but the being honest with yourself and the rest of the world is even more sweeter off the forums. The difference with the forums is that people actually take the time to listen (read) what you are saying. Some give it actual thought and reply with substance, and some are just not at that level yet, or never will be idk. It really is sad that people don't except who they are, I"m and asshole and I love being one, strive to be the greatest asshole their ever was. If a things worth doing, it's worth doing right!P.S. Has SR increased you activity on mainstream social networks? I have every intention of dying a drug using addict. I have ZERO intention of allowing that to compromise my integrity or my financial comfort to an unmanageable degree: I have to maintain a respectable image or I'll never get another job offer again.As for friends... I lost my friends quite a few years ago, actually. Even before the drugs (I mean about 15 years ago): major depressive episodes are a bummer to be around, and mine were recurring for a number of years. I also distanced myself from them out of preference because of that, then more once I started using. It's hard to feel a sense of companionship with somebody when you're on drugs 24/7 and they're rather opposed to such things as freedom of choice and all that.As for the drug friends... well, most of them were slinging and I never thought it was worth the risk. They're all either in prison for many years still or clean and living their shiny happy little clean lives. I'm still making the same choice for the same reason as always, still not slinging, still using every day; which is my preference. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this in a melancholy way -- I'm really pretty accustomed to it. I've come to prefer it quite often -- sure friends are nice sometimes, but they're always fucking calling and pestering and wanting to chat when I'm busy or something. What the fuck do you say to a person who's never done more than drink when you're spun out after 3 days and just need to drop like a ton of bricks, not deal with some asshole asking why you haven't returned his call from the other day.I've got nothing in common with those people. Which is fine, I just... don't want to be their friend, ya know. To be blunt, I tend to find most people pretty irritating when I just want to tweak and work on my programs or learn new things for more than half the day. Every fucking day.And no, I still have no use whatsoever for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or whatever else is coming out tomorrow that's going to be oh-so-popular. It's only these forums and the SR IRC that managed to snag me in their net. I'm pretty introverted, even online. I guess that's why I post so fucking much: don't really watch TV, don't really talk to anybody socially... gotta spew words at somebody somewhere I suppose. ::)P.S. - don't think I'm well composed and always on the ball or anything, that's not what I mean. My place is a fucking mess. I rarely have clean dishes to eat off of. I forget to pay bills. I say "fuck it," way more often than I should. I am not a healthy person by any means... and I think it's fucking obvious as Hell that I'm on meth if you just look at me. But fortunately, most people have no clue what that actually looks like unless you're a hobo sleeping on the streets. Don't mean to make anyone feel bad. I fail and fuck up just as much as anybody, heh.