I'll be totally frank, drjcsmith: you're a lovely fellow. I might even be inclined to call you a friend in a number of (imaginary) circumstances. But I'm sick to death of having to scroll several mouse-wheel-rotations past first one post... then a second one immediately after the first... then in this case, a goddamn third one. I stopped bothering to do more than read every 10th word a week ago, but I can't even do that now.So there's my disclaimer, I didn't read a fucking word of your last 3 posts, but I'll just assume you're being even more prolific as a way of refusing to be forced into being only slightly less prolific as a courtesy to others. If I'm mistaken, I'm sorry and ignore this post, but I'd rather be wrong and make an ass of myself than have to read through those damn things right now. You're a good guy. But dude... stfu or post in a different thread when you want to ramble the way you do, could you? There are a lot more threads out there, you know -- the amphetamine one isn't bad. They get a lot more caffeine in their paste than most of us would ever put up with, but I mean... it's not that different a molecule, and it breeds the same sort of folk. Give it a go. ... please? For me? Just try it maybe?sigh... How it came to pass that I, of all people, have ended up telling someone "stfu, you ramble too much," I'm not sure I will ever fully comprehend... yes, I'm painfully aware of the hypocrisy. I'm really not nearly as bad as I once was though -- give me credit for that much, at least ::)