I don't think I have seen one single post of yours where you actually knew what the fuck you're talking about, Jediknight. I'm sorry man, I let it go usually, but Jesus fucking Christ dude -- if you don't know something, don't fucking answer the question as if you have all the facts. You're wrong every goddamn time; in fact it's so fucking often that it almost seems deliberate.His answer is fucking bullshit, sweetbro. I mean like every fucking word of it. Do a search for Rhodium's Chemistry Site archive or maybe The Hive. Used to be good sources of cooking tutorials; The Hive in particular dealt primarily with meth. All text or HTML though.Afraid I don't know of any videos, though there is one thing I can tell you: it ain't quite as easy as throwing a bunch of shit into a soda bottle and shaking for an hour. You don't wanna try any kind of Shake'n Bake, if you do it that way you'll set yourself on fire someday (really, it'll happen eventually). Also, read up on it. A lot. Then read some more. It's not brain surgery, but they are dangerous chemicals and you do need to know how to handle them and what to do if things go bad.Good luck, and again, ignore Yoda.