Quote from: masterblaster on March 14, 2013, 05:16 amIts working alot better. Sort works too, though definitely not much use right now as the prices are still all over the place (though even if they werent SR doesnt have weights as a listing parameter so it will only tell you so much). Would be nice to have that subsort feature, where you can select one column to sort, then another column to subsort the first column. Its gettin there!My God... masterblaster is pleased? :o This can only be an ill omen...!LOL, thanks guys. Subsorting is coming, actually. For the moment a non-configurable "smart sort" is sorting by category, then price. It's also surprisingly easy to parse the title of a listing and break it down to the cost per gram, etc, so that's coming too. I mean it's working right now but it isn't perfect or user configurable. Browse by category is there too. To be clear, not there in 0.5.2, it's coming when I put 0.6 up.It's... painfully slow, though. But I guess getting 1,000 search results on pages of 35 matches at a time is gonna take awhile -- I've got it loading one page at a time in the background right now so that you don't have to wait for the whole list, but it's still irritating. Other than caching results and showing the user stale data though, I don't think there's anything I can do about that.