Quote from: ohnoes123 on March 14, 2013, 09:58 amJust waiting around for CC again, maxhavelaar has caffeine free speed but I'm waiting for something to resolve before I can comment fully.. It seems I really burnt my dopamine out. I've been using l-phenylalanine and a bit of 5-htp to make sure I don't get serotonin downregulated too much. I'm not sure how you'd end up with serotonin downregulating from amphetamine. Methamphetamine, maybe, sure; but amphetamine is really pretty weak with respect to serotonin. I've also been binging on amphetamine for years and I don't know what you might be talking about.My tolerance is off the charts these days... but other than that, I don't know what you mean. I'd seriously consider looking at other possibilities than serotonin downregulation and dopamine neurotoxicity. Don't forget that all this stuff is hopelessly complex. Researchers don't even understand it, and the stuff that trickles down for us laymen is so dumbed down it's almost not even correct anymore.You may wonder how as a layman I know that. It's because I've studied neuroscience but didn't pursue it, and what little I learned taught me that nobody without a PhD has any idea what the fuck these things mean or do. For example, there's dozens of different dopamine receptors all with their own affinities. There are even dopamine receptors in your intestines. So exactly which of these do you suspect is the problem?