I believe you're very mistaken. I think it's entirely possible that SR accounts for up to half of the Bitcoin ecosystem, but I don't think it's at all possible that it accounts for anything more than that. I also think it's much less than that, myself, but without objective data to point to that's hard to back up.Let's look at a few numbers. Today's trading on MtGox, the largest (but still only one) Bitcoin exchange is 50k. That's 50,000 bitcoins that have been bought or sold on MtGox alone today. At $45 per BTC, that's 2,250,000.00 USD that has passed hands on MtGox alone.I seriously doubt more than 100k, or maybe, MAYBE even a million, worth of USD has been bought today on SR. Bitcoin is -- somewhat surprisingly -- becoming a very real, solid form of currency. SR effects it, sure. But not nearly as much as you may think, IMHO.