What does the forum downtime have to do with SR and its resilience to such a thing -- I'm hoping that was just a bad attempt at self justification, not a slip of the tongue and that they're both on the same local network or something. A redundant server is a redundant server. Why is this one less important or harder than that one -- I'll tell you what *looks* like. It *looks* like you only cared enough to make the one you actually get paid directly for turn itself back on when the cheap as fuck hardware watchdog trips and reboots it.Redundancy is your friend. Seriously man, a fully redundant setup you put together yourself from desktop level pieces is cheaper than half the packages I buy every other week. Which means with all of us buying stuff every week, you could have afforded it. Go to Best Buy and ask the fucking geek squad about or fucking something man. Illicit businesses are still businesses. Why give your competition an easier time of dethroning you than absolutely necessary? At least make sure the fucking servers don't vanish mysteriously for half a week at a time.Lastly, 5 fucking words from someone, anyone -- doesn't even have to be you -- goes a long fucking way. "Forums are down, working on it, sorry guys. Buying drugs still works though. Enjoy." Short. (hopefully) honest. Keeps everyone feeling in the loop, even though obviously we aren't and don't need to be -- and whether you care about that or not, it helps customers trust your service. Two hard drives, a 50 dollar box to plug them into, a shitty first-gen pentium running Linux as a router, two 200 dollar desktops, and you've got 100% redundancy that shouldn't ever go down unless the network does. You really look like you're just shrugging your shoulders and saying "fuck it, who cares," when you let things go down for half a week. Don't confuse gratitude for the service with indifference for the mounting problems it faces.If it was something other than hardware failure, obviously my statements are undeserved. But I doubt that's the case. I love your ideals, DPR, but goddamn man... do you actually still give a fuck?... it's been a very bad day for me. For totally unrelated reasons. I have no doubt I've taken out some of that in this post; apologies for that. Overlook it or not, it doesn't really matter... I'd just consider it insincere not to point out half the venom in me right now has nothing to do with you. For some stupid reason I give a fuck about things like sincerity. Not that there's any good reason to, really... but that's another matter entirely.