Here's a practical project for you: how the fuck do you automatically configure a program to work transparently through Tor in Windows using the Tor Browser Bundle? As far as I can tell from an hour of poking about, it's outright impossible.They switched the listening port Tor uses from 9050 to 9150, the bundle allows the Tor config files to exist anywhere the user decompresses the bundle and executes it from, and there are no environment variables set indicating what port Tor expects incoming connections on.... yeah, that's pretty lame, I agree. Just an issue I bumped into earlier today, that's all. I thought I was going to be able to think of something, but after sitting here for several minutes, very little is coming to mind... I'm beginning to see why you asked the question, hah...Well if you want something really simple but dangerous enough to not be given a low grade because of lack of complexity, write a tiny little script that an exit node could use to replace the Tor browser bundle download mid-stream with a tiny executable file that says "pwned" when run or something silly like that. I'm not sure how effective the readily available SSLStrip software is though, so it may be more problematic than I'm making it out to be.Yep, it turns out I have no ideas at all, basically. For what it's worth, good luck though.