Thanks Eddie, I appreciate that.So if you download this, please consider yourself something of a beta tester. Also check the known_bugs.txt and readme.txt files. And the changelog.txt if you care.If you can't get it running... well, basically all it needs is Ruby v1.9 and the .gem files it comes in a zip with (plus a couple of other ones that those gems depend on, but it should take care of that for you). You *should* be able to type "make" after unpackaging the contents of the into a directory, and have it add a line to your torrc file so that it knows where the Tor proxy is listening for a connection. That part requires escalated privileges. The dependencies (the gems) are put into your home directory, so that part you can do as any old user -- modifying the /etc/torrc file needs privileges though.Also, you must always have Tor running or this program will do nothing but fail in a most epic fashion. It never connects to anything except through Tor, and if Tor isn't there... well, it doesn't work so good.In a nutshell, you're on your own getting it running for now; any bugs you find after that you should tell me about if you want me to fix them though. I'll work on the orders thing in a few days when I get some more time.http://oukryuqqc7ffenin.onion/files/