Well, either any decrease in potency was my imagination, a specific combination of adulterants and byproducts that my meth-addled physiology developed a particular tolerance to, or Kush411 has his old gear again. Whichever it is, this stuff is just as strong as I remember it being to start with, and somehow he even got it here faster than usual.Just thought I'd mention it in case anybody remembers me expressing disappointment at every order being slightly less potent a month or two ago: a few weeks with a couple of other guys, and it's as good as ever; considering Kush's reliability, it was probably just my body adjusting to the fact that it was identical every fucking order or something. Hmph -- guess that's what he gets for being the most dependable vendor I've ever dealt with ::)Was actually 50mg underweight though, which was totally weird and unexpected for him, but that's alright. In the grand scheme of things, I probably owe him a ball's worth of coins anyway by now.