Be very careful with Afghan Apothecary. Many reports of being scammed, poor service, general lack of communication and outright disrespect to customers. He's one of the guys I won't even consider ordering from even if I need a fix and he's the only one, put it that way. I may be wrong, I mean I try to keep mental files on every single mother fucking meth + speed vendor around, so it gets kind of mixed up and jumbled in my head sometimes... but Afghan Apothecary is one of the guys who jumps out at me as "stay the fuck away from him." Take it for what it's worth.Also, I have a question for some of the more experienced guys around (toejammer in particular really, if he *still* isn't on that break [lol, I know how it goes man]): I used Kush411 exclusively for awhile. By that I mean I ended up ordering a bit over an ounce from him in about a 2 month period (I'm an addict but I don't sell, I just always like to remind people of that so Leo doesn't get the wrong idea and think I'm worth finding or something, ahem, moving on): every single batch seemed less and less potent, until finally it just wasn't doing it for me. Like at all, really. So I've stopped ordering from him. There was that whole Chaletla snafu and I still don't know what to think about that, so I'm writing it off as inadmissible evidence.My latest order from Costco was very impressive at first. I mean really, I was taking less than half of what I needed from Kush's product to get pretty close to the state I do so love. But now that I'm all but finished with the sack, it's... taking a lot more again. Now I understand tolerance better than most, don't get me wrong, I know how things go -- but my tolerance to Costco's product jumped so fucking fast that I'm beginning to wonder if there really is something to be said for switching up very frequently, like almost a different reliable vendor every order.Is it possible there are subtle differences in the meth molecules from supplier to supplier that make tolerance less of a direct issue, and more of a partial cross tolerance thing instead? So that a new product lets you enjoy it more until your tolerance blows right up to the usual level for THAT product again, and you have to switch again to get around it again, etc..? Anybody who doesn't usually go with one vendor they trust care to comment on their own experiences with this phenomenon?