I'd like to start out by saying this is regarding Boymasters very first batch. I did not order any of his recent stuff (opted for CC instead), but I'll say this: I was very disappointed in BMs speed. I mean I ended up deciding it really was very good pure amphetamine sulfate, but something just didn't do it for me. It really was almost like it was all body load and no psychological stimulation. Like 25% dextro and 75% levo or something, as unlikely as that may be.The recent description by stronk, frankly, mirrors my own experience. Infact I at first thought it was cut heavily with ephedrine because of my experience, but I deferred to him and the rest of you who didn't seem to think so at all. I'm not saying I was right, I'm simply trying to point out for balance that there really does seem to be a very subjective aspect to even very good quality, virtually pure amphetamine sulfate. Some reacts beautifully with me. Some reacts so poorly I almost don't even like it let alone take it for fun or getting stuff done.So bear that in mind; it's entirely possible something about BM's speed just reacts poorly with me. If it can happen to me, it's possible it may happen to others. But it's still high quality amphetamine sulfate and worth giving a try -- if it works for you, great, order a fucking kilo or something. If it doesn't... just report your experience in the interests of an accurate average to all the reviews, and let things fall where they may. That's my philosophy, anyway.