Quote from: Boyd Crowder on December 16, 2012, 09:41 amQuote from: SelfSovereignty on December 16, 2012, 01:53 am... wait. What did you use to gen this? It's... weird. I mean I think it's fine, but... it's quirky?I have not attempted to remove the comment line, would not know how to. I used gpgtools for mac, with a little help from Guru who will be missed. One problem I have is that since generating the key I have not once been asked for a password, even after rebooting. I told guru about it and he said his gf's mac was the same but didn't know why, I would prefer if it did ask for my password. Thanks for the info guys.That would mean that there is no passphrase, my friend. You can do that with gpg in Linux, too, but I think it warns you about it.This means that anyone who gets your private key can impersonate you with ease.Edit: to be clear, this means that they can decrypt any messages that were sent to you without any passwords ever being involved. That private key is the *only* thing needed to do everything that you do.