And yet you enjoy the fruits of their labor by buying the chems they cook up (no judgements, naturally -- I do it too just like all of us here). Well, I personally have no problem with someone who thinks computers are just plain boring and only cares about learning enough to actually use Silk Road with moderate safety (all things considered, obviously ordering drugs is... you know what I'm saying).There isn't exactly a one-stop-tutorial that explains precisely what you need to know and precisely as much of it as you need. That's the sort of thing people are very good at that computers are very bad at -- summarizing information, analyzing context and being able to see where someone might misunderstand something, etc.. As long as someone's polite and grateful, I don't have any issues spending my time helping somebody who only wants to know this stuff to order drugs. And I don't think they represent a necessary danger to themselves or anyone else, provided they're willing to learn when others are willing to teach.I don't know about you, but I learned by reading what others had written. If they had said "fuck that, this shit isn't for people who don't design CPUs, they can piss off!" I wouldn't have ever figured out how to do more with a computer than boot the thing. See what I'm getting at.