This would have been noticed long before now. Unless something has changed recently, which appears to be the case (complaints of shipping options disappearing, thereby preventing people from purchasing a listing).It occurs to me though... what if the bitcoins were never in the buyer's account to begin with? I mean what if someone found a way to hack the order system -- what would it do? If it never expected that to be possible, why would your account be credited with bitcoins that were never there in the first place?I don't like the idea that someone could have figured out how to place orders without having the bitcoins to place them... but in a way, it's less volatile than the whole fucking system just being unreliable. Also, NOT crediting an account is the way to do this. It's the smart choice, not the "selfish self preservation choice," which it may seem at first glance. If you take it on good faith that an order which has gone through really did have the bitcoins for a transaction, then you open yourself up to a massive, MASSIVE security hole. The entire SR balance for a year could be siphoned in a single day with a coordinated attack. So basically, log some kind of notice and leave the order sitting there for further human review. Don't just give people bitcoins that they "should" have.Also, don't forget, when you deposit bitcoins into an SR account, they get almost immediately re-sent to some other address as part of the SR mixing service. So really... the coins in our accounts aren't actually at our bitcoin addresses at all. It's all SR and their database after that.