Because people aren't willing to be wrong, I'm afraid. Think about all the police. All the people in jail.What happens if you decriminalize drugs? What do you do with the people who are already serving long sentences for possession, selling, etc.? Let them go? But they broke the written law of the land at the time. Keep them locked up? But they didn't do anything that's fucking illegal anymore, you can't.What about the guys who died trying to stop drugs coming in from Mexico, or anywhere for that matter? "Yeah, uh, sorry you completely wasted your life and then lost it altogether in the name of some shit we've decided was wrong to begin with."It's a lot more complex and engrained in this culture than it may seem at first glance, bro. I'm not holding my breath. I'm all for the revolution, don't get me wrong... but I don't expect to see real change before I'm almost dead.