I'm going to go on record here as saying the feedback system is shit. Never trust it. It's a useful guide -- if the guy's in the 80s, fuck that, don't bother with the forum search. If he's in the 90s, check the forums and look hard -- sometimes it's hard to find the few guys they've scammed, but often you'll find them and that's that. No ordering from them, who wants to be the next scammed customer. Lots of selective scammers around that get away with it and do it as a rule of business.If the guy's got 100, still check the forums. There are ways to manipulate your SR rating. Seriously, the forum is the only reliable way and only reliable if you put in the time to wade through what people say about the vendor in question. Almost everyone has at least a few people claiming they're legit, even if they've never fulfilled an order in their life.