Far be it from me to be hypocritical enough to say don't pursue it, but to be very serious for a minute, that's one part of my meth use that I do feel guilt/shame/regret over. I'm generally much more productive and much less remorseful when I'm not using it to chase that incredibly potent state of tantric -- I don't know, bliss is the only word that comes to mind.The problem is that when you get it, the more you take, the hornier you get, the better it feels, the more potent it is, the higher you want it to go, the more you take... and it just doesn't really stop. I mean seriously, if you keep pushing, you can go for a week like that if you're a cook and have more of it laying around than you could even use. I mean really, I've spent 36 almost straight hours beating off and not even bothered calling in to work to say I was sick (too busy staring at porn, ahem). That's just not "useful," ya know? But goddamn does it feel good sometimes...