It's hard to get really good, clean meth that focuses the mind like pharmies will (adderall, dexedrine, etc.). That's been my experience, at least. Half the time meth will just make me feel befuddled, kind of like there's some xylene or toluene or naphtha still left in the gear that's dulling my mind instead of sharpening it. Maybe that's it, maybe it isn't, but either way: half the time it makes me dumber and spacy-focused, not smarter and super focused. Sucks. Ah well, that's life.I'd like to point out two things though: one, I consider myself hopelessly addicted to amphetamines and can't bear the idea of a life without them. Don't take that as badly as it sounds. Not such a big deal -- I'd quit them altogether, but I'm kind of a lazy useless lump without them and I love learning with them, soooo... yeah. I take the good with the bad and try not to dwell on my addiction too often. That said, I became hopelessly addicted not because I was after recreational pleasure, but because I slowly found myself 100% hooked on studying/working/tinkering while on amphetamines. That's what I'm really addicted to.... that and the unbelievable sex on occasion, but that's less productive. So I downplay that part usually and just admit to the working addiction ::)Meth is sold as the pharmaceutical desoxyn. Because of the stigma associated with it, it's rarely prescribed. It's basically the same thing as adderall though, just slightly different (as you now know). Just an immediate family member of dextroamphetamine, nothing as alien and deadly as they say. If half of what they said about it were even remotely true, I'd be dead, have no teeth, clawed half my skin off, and never come back from my psychotic state. I have all my teeth, have no sores, have never had a psychotic episode, and take meth or adderall every day. I also have no fucking clue where they got those guys from the faces of meth campaign, but whatever.My point is this: why are you tempting fate? And why on Earth did you insufflate it instead of swallow it? Always, always swallow it if your goal is productivity. Always. No exceptions, it's always more effective that way. I sometimes give in and start vaping it because I'm craving the mild "high" it gives me that swallowing doesn't.Yes, it's helpful. Yes, it's highly, highly addictive. No, you do not have to use it for pleasure or hedonism to get hooked. Yes, it's clinically recognized as beneficial in various circumstances. No, it's not clean enough to be reliably useful for what you're asking it to do. Adderall is. Meth is not.BTW, I'd choose my amphetamine dependence all over again if I had to. It's not that I can't stop. It's that I prefer life with them, despite the price: so don't think I'm saying you'll wake up and never stop fiending or something. Just hard to let go of that incredible state of mind and what you can accomplish with it for about 24 hours when it all goes right.In the words of Pascal, "I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to devote to making it shorter." I'm a little more amped than usual, sorry for the rambling. Not amped enough to edit for 30 mins though, so post button here I come...!