I'd like to be very clear: I am not chasing euphoria, nor really anything except the extreme state of being focused so intently on something that I can work at it until it's perfected. Or I've burnt my brain out for that 2-3 day session and realize it's pointless to continue and that I must rest, because despite evidence to the contrary, I too am human.I can't seem to find anything, anecdotal or otherwise, on what the upper limit of human tolerance for amphetamines is. I mean this is kind of something I need to know at some point -- if it's literally impossible to continue on 2-4 day runs endlessly, it's information I need to have to make an informed decision. My problem is that I'm beginning to doubt that the way I've chosen to try and live my life, is even possible.My fucking tolerance just goes up, and up, and up. And all I can find online are references to "some people IV a gram in a day." I don't IV, because I know myself -- I'd be gone. One week and nobody would ever hear from me again, I just know it. I can't do that and keep my grip. But I've done a gram in 4-6 hours before. And -- well... and actually, this is where I start getting *really* fucking uncomfortable, so forget that.... are you seriously telling me I'm the worst junkie here? I mean for real...? Nobody's got some pro input for me? Somebody that puts me to shame and can swoop down with that fatherly "well you see, boy, it's like this..." shit?... Ouch. That one kinda twists going in, if it's true... c'mon guys. Help a brother out :o