That sad truth is this: THERE IS NO GOOD WEIGHT LOSS DRUG. Think about it. If there were, it would be legal. Are you fucking kidding me? My God, AIDS, diabetes and weight loss are like the golden trinity of pharmaceuticals. Whoever patents the first effective long-term weight loss pill, even if it crawls out of you at night and rapes your children, is going to be rich beyond their wildest dreams.You think people eat a lot now... just imagine what would happen if we could eat ice cream all day and not gain weight. Fuck, I admit it -- I'd have one in my lap right fucking now.Why I feel I'm qualified to state this in absolutes: I tweak. Stimulants of all kinds are my thing. They will get you down there, but no matter what, they will not keep you down there. Sure, if you want to experience being 10-40 pounds thinner for a week or two before you yo-yo back and snap up past where you started... meth'll do the job, and you won't even have to try.But goddamn life must suck when you end up even fatter than before, and this time with a taste for meth. Seriously. There is no good weight loss drug today, legal or otherwise. They will all fuck you up more than they're worth, fail you in the end, outright kill you, or just do nothing.And fuck Atkins and that no carb shit... lord, I'm so sick of hearing about that. Atkins had a heart attack at a relatively young age -- you may want to consider that when gauging the effectiveness and health benefits of his eating plan.