Quote from: shunyata on December 02, 2012, 08:32 pmLE cares a lot to get someone busted on SR, I am sure! They need it for the publicity and to make an example of one of us. Again, as I understand it, xfring wallet to wallet does nothing, unless you pay for a mixing service. Am I wrong?You're very right. SR does have its own automatic mixing service, but it's effectiveness is often questioned (not for a good reason, just theoretical ones). For sellers, you definitely want those coins as cleaned as you can get them. They got Al Capone for like 30+ years on tax evasion, because they couldn't convict him of anything else.At the time it was insane. Nobody had ever gone to jail for tax evasion or something (so my parents told me once, at least). They'll find a way to take your freedom away if you make yourself a target. Sellers are targets, just very hard to find ones. We buyers -- I almost don't care if they know I'm on SR anymore. Unless they catch me with the drugs in my hand or get a warrant because I'm a computer geek and like bitcoins, I consider myself "relatively safe."Until I'm freaking out because I swear there's suspicious activity by my mailbox and that it's a controlled delivery. Yes, I freak out about this every, single, fucking, time. But I order meth... and enough to make it look like I'm reselling it. Which I swear I truly am not. But getting caught with it scares the fucking Hell out of me...... ahem. Yes, you're right, wallet to wallet does virtually nothing. If not literally nothing.