I think it's often overlooked, but personally I think one of the greatest strengths of SR is precisely that we don't have to skulk around. We're here in the open in large groups discussing -- well, whatever the Hell we choose to. I mean technically, we're all aiding and abetting each other by being helpful and sharing tips and tactics.When you get right down to it, I think there's actually a case they could make to charge all of us with the same things they'd charge any large organized crime organization. Obviously that's ridiculous and we aren't nearly as organized as it seems with so many of us... but my point is just this: don't take the power of information for granted. It can do incredible things. Like the fellow's first package he's getting.And we helped him learn how to do that. For better or worse, that's illegal. Obviously it shouldn't be, but I have to go take more drugs now, so if you'll excuse me... 8)