Quote from: mslixI changed my mind and I do believe now some people actually deserve to be scammed.That's fucking ridiculous. I can only assume that you're bitter -- albeit justifiably -- and are letting that influence your conclusion. No one asked to be born with a certain IQ, we all just ended up with the brains we've got, more or less.To say someone *deserves* to be scammed for being an idiot is like saying you *deserve* to be eaten by a shark because in the water, it's a far superior animal. Don't go into the water with a hungry shark then? Yeah, probably a good idea, but there's that intellect thing again. You have it, but you didn't really do any work to obtain it. Not education, IQ -- capacity to analyze the situation and say, "yeah, this looks bad; I'm gonna pass." Some people do that well naturally. Others are terrible judges of social interaction and really just don't have a fucking clue because they have a disorder like Asperger syndrome or something.You didn't ask to be born almost defenseless against a great white, and "idiots" didn't ask to be born equally ill-equipped to properly judge complicated interaction. That doesn't mean they didn't work just as hard for their money. If you think about it, society is based largely on individual interaction -- so they probably get paid less and worked even harder for it because people like you think it's their fault that their brain is malformed.If you meant you don't care enough to try and talk some sense into them, then be honest with yourself and say that. But don't try and protect your ego or conscience by pretending they deserve what they get and aren't worthy of your help.