Quote from: cleveland steamer on November 19, 2012, 11:42 amQuote from: jakers on November 19, 2012, 09:53 amthanks for the explanation. I see how they come to the 75% number now.. Well, it would be nice to see some pure d-amp so that I could play around with the ratios myself.Word, to continue on Adderall I never have used the pills meself and it's a bit pricey compared to average speed powder/paste but I'm curious how potent a for example a 30mg Adderall pill is in real life and how long it lasts. It's not so well known in the eu as in the us of course. As far as I know it isn't being prescribed in my country for adhd, they generally use Ritalin or maybe also Strattera/Concerta not sure about that. I've read that some people like the more euphoric feeling of d-amph though if you're used to racemic dl amph I can imagine you could or will miss the stimulating adrenalin aka 'fight or flight' reaction of the l-enantiomer part. If people have interesting experiences with different dl ratio's or salts then this is also the topic to share it...You can seriously skip almost this entire post if you don't find my drivel as amusing as it is for me to subject you to it. Honest. Nothing important, just skip half way down and smile and nod and let me ramble like I do.The problem is that we can never be certain what mix of chemicals we're taking, so every report you hear will be largely anecdotal and almost certainly at least partially misleading and mistaken. I'm too afraid to check, but I really think half of my posts are just amphetamine-fueled ramblings about -- well, how much I adore the molecule, basically. You guys have to forgive me, this place is my outlet -- I've got years of pent up amphetamine dependence I can't breath a word of to anyone in my life, you see. So sure, why not -- what's one more post...Pharmaceutical amphetamines, both adderall and dexedrine, enhance my capacity to think and focus and direct my attention where I choose much better than any alternative I've ever found. Ever. Really clean meth works almost as well if I swallow it, but it's just not the same. Adderall in particular I'll spend 48-56 hours straight just banging away at the same task, and love every second of it. And make enormous progress, too. I become so powerfully focused on whatever's fascinating to me at the time that I can't even stop to go to the bathroom once I'm 6-10+ hours into a run. I sometimes sit there until my bladder feels as though it's going to burst, and even then I only do something about it because I don't want it backing up into my kidneys or something and I know that I'll feel better once I get it out of the way.BM's speed definitely gets me "tweaked," but it doesn't take me to the place I love amphetamines for bringing me to. Palms get sweaty, I feel particularly jittery and confused, my capacity to deal with unexpected problems is noticeably diminished (I've had emergencies break out on BM's speed and I was totally incompetent instead of cool, rational, and all business -- was kind of humiliating actually). Doesn't enhance me. Does feel good if I'm without anything else though. And l-amp is a very fragile thing... it very easily goes from a great "amped," feeling to just being rather unpleasant and bothersome. Also, BM's speed I took way too much of the first time. Didn't feel good. I've never taken too much adderall. I mean that. I have never found a dose of adderall that was just too strong or too much. Though I generally enforce dosage rules on myself. I'll redose 15 minutes later sometimes, but never more than 60-80mg at a time. For whatever reason, I'm unable to control myself if I take more than that at once. I've gone through a bottle of 120 20mg instant release adderall in 30 hours. Only once, but once was enough to teach me I lose my grip if I take too much at once.I should point out that too much adderall and I'm totally twaked. I mean I'll end up fucking with a pencil for two straight hours, which doesn't do much good, sure -- but god damn, it just... I don't know man, it had to be done. It was a moral imperative, I tell you. And I was the one that had to do it, that's all there was to it! ::)Meth can take me to the place I love sometimes. As in help me think so well I forget everything else. Adderall basically always does. If CC's speed is a suitable replacement for that, I will make him a slightly wealthy man and be destitute. And I will love him for giving me the chance to do it :) I will also never stop learning for more than the 74.9 minute naps my body forces me to take with my face buried in some textbook. During which I shall continue to absorb ideas via the delusion of osmosis, naturally. And though I may die younger than I otherwise would, I shall die overflowing with knowledge and understanding and the concepts of such beautiful, beautiful things -- and it shall be good.... yep. Just as I thought. Yet another pointless collection of words. Jesus I'm predictable sometimes.So, let the amphetamine FAQ commence...!!The facts you wanted but that I failed to provide until now: 30mg of adderall will likely be noticeably more potent than 30mg of speed or meth that's been *accurately* measured (big catch there). It's much cleaner. I don't know how else to describe it. It enhances, instead of confuses. Usually. Not always.Adderall and dexedrine do not last as long as meth. Same basic duration as speed, give or take. Meth does not last as much longer as people seem to think though. Meth, for me, lasts 1-3 hours longer than amphetamine. It's completely dependent on dosage though. Like getting blackout drunk, then waking up still kind of drunk the next day. Your body takes time to clean these poisons away. More you take, longer it lasts. I sometimes stop and let myself "crash" (though I don't really crash anymore, for some reason), pass out 6-12 hours later, wake up 8-12 hours after that and can still feel the amphetamine molecules doing their magic half of that day.As for a crash course to chemistry and amphetamines specifically... it's so much simpler than it's being made to sound. Sulfate, hydrochloride, etc. are *nothing* but a well-bonding little base "salt" (which are themselves just another molecule, essentially) that the amphetamine molecule is latched on to and shares a molecular bond with. Amphetamine freebase is almost totally destroyed by your digestive defenses before being absorbed, but when coupled to a salt, it can get through quite nicely. Hydrochloride can be smoked, snorted, shot, whatever you want. Sulfate can be snorted or swallowed, and I suppose shot. Smoke it and you'll destroy the amphetamine before you get more than a fraction of it in your blood though, so don't bother trying to.Racemic isn't 50/50, it's just a mix of the dextro- and levo- isomers as far as I know. Your right hand and left hand are like the levo- and dextro- isomers of amphetamine. Almost identical, but you can't put your right hand in your left glove very well. So it is with amphetamine and your physiology. They're literally mirror images of each other on a molecular scale.Dextroamphetamine is the dextro- isomer of the amphetamine molecule. Same thing, two different ways of putting it. Dextromethamphetamine is the methylated dextro- isomer of the amphetamine molecule. Don't worry about methylated. It just changes it slightly. Like ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, very similar but a small structural change can mean a huge biological difference when it comes to molecules. For methamphetamine vs. amphetamine, it feels a bit different but it's the same basic thing.What one prefers is purely a matter of taste, but generally speaking, most prefer the dextro. Many like racemic mixtures. However, levomethamphetamine (the methylated levo- isomer of the amphetamine molecule) does very little. I mean it's very, very weak. It's the ingredient in vicks nasal inhalers. For real, straight up levo- methamphetamine. That's how useless it is. Levoamphetamine, the non-methylated form, is more active and has a definite effect on people. Just FYI.It really is pretty simple once you get past the terminology, but when you know as much as some of these guys do, it's really hard to separate the useful information from the overly-confusing information, ya know. I do not have that problem in chemistry. My chemistry knowledge is a pathetic joke. I studied physics, not chemistry -- which I later learned was to be one of the great ironies of my life, heh.