I'm as paranoid as they come (within reason), and even I think you're going wayyyy overboard. Relax, you're probably good. Besides, there likely isn't any incriminating evidence on the disks in the first place. Bear in mind my perspective is US-based, but as far as my thinking goes, the concern is that they find something in your possession. If they do find something in your possession, they aren't gonna care what's on your hard drive (even if they do, it won't make matters much worse for you). If they don't catch you in possession of something, they aren't going to bother paying hundreds or thousands for a forensics expert to go through your drive(s) on the off-chance that your last edited Word document was a confession or something.If you didn't save anything to the disk yourself (as in manually), then there's very little that can be recovered of your Silk Road activities. I've read that there may be some small bits of information recoverable from the swap partition in some setups, but unless you're selling and not buying, I don't see why they'd go to the trouble of looking or why you'd cause to worry even if they do.