Quote from: Ahoyhoy on October 30, 2012, 02:13 amQuote from: Caparino on October 28, 2012, 07:08 am But seriously you're saying alcohol is more addictive than heroin?Yep.When is a substance addictive? When someone's "dependent" on it.When is someone "dependent" on a substance? When they find themselves unable to control their use of it despite real, serious attempts to do so.Some individual's control their use of substances just fine and aren't addicted to anything.An individual can also be addicted to one substance and have no difficulty whatsoever controlling their use of another one.Addiction is defined in terms of an individual's difficulty or outright inability to deliberately control their use of it. There is no "most addictive drug," or "this is more addictive than that." They're not addictive except when considered in the context of someone's usage of them. And that changes radically from person to person.