Quote from: sniper123 on October 28, 2012, 09:17 amWow .5 makes me jump up and down and normally will last me 3 days. I'm glad i still get euphoria. (That's if i use it all in a row.) I'm starting to realise i use differant than most. I'll get high and stay high for about a day. Then, i'll allow myself to come down and pass out. Then when i've woke up, i'll decide if i want to go in my bag again. Sometimes i do, sometimes i don't. It took me over a week to go through my last .5 bag because i used it on and off. That's if i snort it of course. If i smoke it, i'll blow through a .5 in a night.I don't remember the day it changed, but I was okay stopping for awhile. Was okay not starting for awhile, too, but it was always a nagging temptation and a "gehh...! I can't... maybe tomorrow," kind of frustration.I hit a bad patch, grabbed on to meth, and I've never really let go. Not for more than 2 weeks at a time, anyway. There's no reason to feel bad for me or anything, it's not such a sad story -- I prefer indulging my addiction as opposed to the alternative. Though I still have all my teeth, no open sores, never had anybody at work point out my excuses kind of sound like bullshit when I'm wide-eyed, bloodshot, and I can't stop tensing half the muscles in my body... I assume they just don't want to push it and as long as I keep smiling and brushing it off, it's not worth voicing suspicion. It does get awfully tiresome having to always remember to watch how fast I talk or how detailed I get, etc..If those things changed, it wouldn't be "life on meth," anymore. It would be "meth killing me," and despite my romantic love of tragic tales, that's just not something I'm into. Dying while still using, sure. That's the plan. But dying because I'm using... no. That's not something I could accept.... here I go rambling shortly before the sun comes up again. So yeah, to wrap up here: I'm not unhappy with my choice, despite not being able to stop once I start. I'm a tweaker because I sincerely like tweaking. I'm lying. I don't like it, I love it. No real problems with it. Well... there is one problem: eventually it's all gone, heh.P.S. -- I think I trust dkmonk's opinion over my own even. If he says Hammertime's gear is good, then it's good. On topic after all, see? :)