Silk Road forums

Market => Product requests => Topic started by: windmillz on June 06, 2013, 10:06 pm

Title: Dank Cannabis In Mason Jars??
Post by: windmillz on June 06, 2013, 10:06 pm
I have a buddy that gets some nice buds from a ballin vendor, can anyone please help me out, I want the best and this guy impressed me! I think he is one of the only people that sends his buds in mason jars. Everytime its like jaw dropping to see lol. I would love to order from this guy!

I appreciate the help

Title: Re: Dank Cannabis In Mason Jars??
Post by: le botbahn on June 07, 2013, 07:03 am
I have a buddy that gets some nice buds from a ballin vendor, can anyone please help me out, I want the best and this guy impressed me! I think he is one of the only people that sends his buds in mason jars. Everytime its like jaw dropping to see lol. I would love to order from this guy!

I appreciate the help


Did your buddy take the name of this vendor with him to his grave or something?
Title: Re: Dank Cannabis In Mason Jars??
Post by: HighTestMMDG on June 08, 2013, 03:42 am
Not sure where you are based.
I can help you out in Canada.
We have two strains we do in mason jars.
Title: Re: Dank Cannabis In Mason Jars??
Post by: FarmTek on June 09, 2013, 12:53 pm
Can defiantly help you receive some very high quality (pretty to look at) cannabis. Although I would not be able to deliver in a mason jar due to compromising the security of the product.

If interested, send me a PM on the road, I offer any strain you like.
Title: Re: Dank Cannabis In Mason Jars??
Post by: windmillz on June 10, 2013, 09:13 pm
I have no idea at all why my buddy won't give up the name truthfully, I think it has something to do with power, and having information that no one else does in his close circle of friends. Wheres the love yo? I just know its some nice budz. Im based in the United States. I apologize for the slow reply, lost my computer for a couple days. I really do appreciate the offer on the nice dank bud offers!! I will be messaging you soon, I really need someone that has really good dank budz, that is supper reliable. I love working with reliable people makes everything go so much smoother and its a better experience for the whole lot! Love this community!

Title: Re: Dank Cannabis In Mason Jars??
Post by: scout on June 11, 2013, 01:29 am
I find this an awfully strange thread/question.  For one thing, the OP has just exposed that packaging / stealth of a vendor ... secondly, his friend shows him multiple orders received from the vendor but won't reveal which vendor it is?  Doubtful.

This would be any easy way for LE to gather information.  Intercept a package and then come here pretending to be a buyer asking about which vendor packages this very specific way.  :\

Title: Re: Dank Cannabis In Mason Jars??
Post by: Hazey on June 12, 2013, 12:17 am
I find this an awfully strange thread/question.  For one thing, the OP has just exposed that packaging / stealth of a vendor ... secondly, his friend shows him multiple orders received from the vendor but won't reveal which vendor it is?  Doubtful.

This would be any easy way for LE to gather information.  Intercept a package and then come here pretending to be a buyer asking about which vendor packages this very specific way.  :\

I agree.
Title: Re: Dank Cannabis In Mason Jars??
Post by: terpene on June 12, 2013, 08:43 am
I would be amazed if anyone sent their bud in the mail (any mail) in mason jars, frankly. Too expensive for a start, too prone for damage another...


Title: Re: Dank Cannabis In Mason Jars??
Post by: radi8power on June 12, 2013, 04:07 pm
You know how glass tends to smash to pieces? Yeah,don't ship that way. Go to Walmart, aren't mason jars like $3?
I don't understand this thread at all... stupid, stupid, stupid.
Title: Re: Dank Cannabis In Mason Jars??
Post by: THCKingCA on June 13, 2013, 02:12 am

Better than mason jars  ;)