Silk Road forums
Market => Rumor mill => Topic started by: ominuby2 on May 11, 2013, 08:41 pm
Please advise.
I bought a GreenDot MP for $160. I sent it to JumboMonkeyBiscuit because they worked great in the past and I trusted them. After 16 hours they canceled my transaction. They assured me they had not tried to access my money, and took down their listing.
Then I tried Kwick Ficks. Within 20 minutes my order was canceled. I got worried then, so I tried to check the balance. It was $0.00. I called GreenDot and they told me someone else had deposited the money, to a DIFFERENT account.
JMB has their listing up for Bitcoin to MoneyPak transactions again, and they respond to my e-mail inquiries. Kwick Ficks won't reply to anything.
So which one of them do I whammy? I've never been scammed before and would appreciate advice.
Well, Kwick Ficks has already scammed at least one other user with the MP listing, so I would bet it was him. :-\
Did you click on "report this vendor" on his profile in order to report the scam?
I was trying to contact him to give him the benefit of the doubt. Some optimistic part of me is hoping he'll reply and say, "Oh, oops! Here are your BTC!" and then all will be forgiven...
I was trying to contact him to give him the benefit of the doubt. Some optimistic part of me is hoping he'll reply and say, "Oh, oops! Here are your BTC!" and then all will be forgiven...
That would be nice indeed! I don't think it'll happen though, because someone else has been waiting several days and has received absolutely nothing in spite of his MP being cashed immediately by the vendor.
How depressing.
Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone, though. I've gone ahead and submitted reports on SR about the vendor and his listing.
I hate having to do that. I'm never the type to complain or get anybody in trouble, but it's my money and I feel like I just threw it down the toilet.
Thanks for the info, I was considering buying a subutex from that vendor (I think that was the item).
How depressing.
Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone, though. I've gone ahead and submitted reports on SR about the vendor and his listing.
I hate having to do that. I'm never the type to complain or get anybody in trouble, but it's my money and I feel like I just threw it down the toilet.
I'm so sorry that you were scammed. :( But it's good of you to report the vendor any way so hopefully others will be warned (and the vendor will be banned). Did you also edit your feedback on the transaction to reflect that you were scammed?
This guy took me for $440, buddy. @Scout; we can't edit feedback because we have to put the MP numbers in the Shipping info. He gets the shipping info and then cancels the transaction so we can't leave feedback .
This guy took me for $440, buddy. @Scout; we can't edit feedback because we have to put the MP numbers in the Shipping info. He gets the shipping info and then cancels the transaction so we can't leave feedback .
crafty son of a bitch! well, as i mentioned in your thread, i'm hoping this will be enough to prove that he is scamming people, and that he will be banned as a result.
I have done about 20 transactions with JumboMonkeybiscuit..........everyone was good.........very nice people to do business with.