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Messages - scout

Pages: 1 ... 234 235 [236] 237 238 ... 250
Silk Road discussion / Re: private vendor forum
« on: January 29, 2013, 05:11 am »
I have 25 transactions @ 100% and a 500g bag of K, can I hang with the cool kids?

You need 35+ transactions and a link to your vendor profile in your signature here ... then send a PM to inigo.

Rumor mill / Re: Warning ... GMemphis is CanadianLTD
« on: January 29, 2013, 02:37 am »
Thank you to fredflintstone for always being on the lookout, and for being able to spot this douche in all his douche-y incarnations!

Newbie discussion / Re: A Warning for New Members About Bitcoin Scams
« on: January 28, 2013, 11:55 pm »
Does that mean we do not have to FE on the first deal as I read somewhere that the buyer has to prove herself first?

No, you NEVER have to FE.  In fact, most of us would recommend that you NEVER FE -- even when it's just an option rather than a request.  Staying in escrow throughout the entire order process is one of the best ways to protect yourself.

No matter what a vendor states on his/her profile, you are NEVER NEVER NEVER required by SR to FE.  If you find a vendor who claims that, or asks that you do that, my best recommendation would be to find a different vendor!

Newbie discussion / Re: L/E Trap, questionaire
« on: January 28, 2013, 09:15 pm »
That's good advice (and has always been true -- about LE being present here) ... always best to behave as if LE were everywhere here.  Always use PGP to encrypt your address and any sensitive info or messages!

Rumor mill / Re: Warning ... GMemphis is CanadianLTD
« on: January 28, 2013, 09:12 pm »
I've made the other mods and admins aware of this development ... though I'm sure they're well aware of this asshole's tactics.

Newbie discussion / Re: NorCalKing's n00bies Review Thread
« on: January 28, 2013, 09:05 pm »
NCK has always been one of my favorite vendors here.  Anyone wondering about ordering from him - DO IT!  :)

Off topic / Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
« on: January 28, 2013, 07:53 pm »
I don't get why you would come here of all places to ask for support involving these things. Hard time with school? Study more, not spend more time on Silk Road. A relative died? We all got our own problems. Were all anonymous we dont know each other never will.

Damn guys, my girlfriend broke up with me and my dog got hit by a train. I'm really sad. Send me some bitcoins so my girlfriend will wanna fuck again and, if you all send enough coins, my dog can come back to life. God bless!

So fuckin stupid.

I wanna give you karma so bad for this, but i cant, so im sending a hug your way, and lighting a bowl in your honor.


I'll give him +1 for you.  :)

Security / Re: Where do you guys get your Bitcoins?
« on: January 28, 2013, 03:55 am »
organon - you might want to send a message to your guy.

Newbie discussion / Re: Posting rights revoked?
« on: January 28, 2013, 02:05 am »

Sounds fishy, but i'm uninformed


Good luck /w assistance

It's not "fishy" at all - it's the same reason you are only able to post in this subforum!  The admins implemented a new policy requiring posters to have 50 posts before they can post on the rest of forum.  It's a universal thing, not just targeting you or the OP.

This was put in place due to all of that virwex / bitcointalks spam that was filling up the forums.  Now, we have a better chance to catch the spammer, delete their threads, and ban their accounts before they are able to flood the main forums.

And OP - I replied to your PM!  :)

Feature requests / Re: Vendor Forum ?
« on: January 27, 2013, 09:26 pm »
You need to have 35+ transactions (50+ in some cases) and a link to your vendor profile in your signature.  Then you can send a message to one of the admins - Flush or inigo - and request access to the vendor forum.

Security / Re: Questions about Tails..New to it..need little advice..
« on: January 27, 2013, 09:17 pm »
I'm kind of in the same boat ... I cannot for the life of me get Tails running via USB on my Macbook Air.  I've read all the documentation and the clearnet threads - seems it's a common problem that some people are able to get around, but others aren't.  Booting from a CD/DVD works just fine, and I'm able to create the USB (it even shows up in the reFIT/reFIND menu at startup) but when I boot it, it gives me an error.

This is so frustrating.

Security / MOVED: SR veteran needing 1.5 BTC's will return 2fold!
« on: January 27, 2013, 09:11 pm »
This topic has been moved to Off topic (

There has been another cancer scammer more recently as well.  He ended up admitting he scammed people and lied about the cancer - in fact, not only did he admit it, but he bragged about it.

Look, you sound like a previous scammer who came here and tried the same story.  People donated to him and then he admitted he didn't have cancer and was just scamming people. 

So you have to understand why we are all being cautious, and why we are quick to jump to that conclusion.

Further, I don't understand how you don't have $22, but you are able to afford internet.

Off topic / Re: Official Spare Coins Thread
« on: January 27, 2013, 07:03 am »
Please be cautious, guys.  This "pigpenandbrent" user sounds a LOT like past scammers "perky" "lifesajoke" etc.  (oh, and another alias was the dude claiming he had some kind of cancer -- but scammed people.)

The spelling, the grammar, the puncuation, the post format ... it's all VERY similar.  I apologize if I'm mistaken, but it sounds a LOT like the same scammer. 

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