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Pages: 1 ... 227 228 [229] 230 231 ... 250
Newbie discussion / Re: df
« on: February 04, 2013, 01:24 am »
Bullshit policy... bullshit workaround.

Did you even read what I just posted to you about requesting access to the vendor forum if you've been here since 2011?

Newbie discussion / Re: Bitcoin banned?
« on: February 04, 2013, 01:22 am »
I understand your point and yes, maybe one day bitcoin will be illegal, but the benefit of bitcoin is that it is decentralized, and easy to use (buy/sell) anonymously .... so even if it becomes illegal, people will continue to buy it and sell it, though maybe not through the current exchanges.

Newbie discussion / Re: df
« on: February 04, 2013, 01:20 am »
This policy is what prevents the entire forum from being filled with spam by the "virwex" / "bitcointalks" / "bitkoin" scammers.

Good intentions, but clumsy fix.  I've been a forum member and vendor since 2011 and now i can't post?

And you are entitled to your opinion, of course.  However, if you have been a vendor since 2011, why haven't you requested access to the Vendor Roundtable here?  That would have allowed you to post anywhere in the forum regardless of your post count.

If you have 35+ transactions, then put a link to your vendor profile in your forum signature and send inigo (an admin) a private message requesting access to the vendor forum.

Newbie discussion / Re: Cannot reply to threads!
« on: February 04, 2013, 01:18 am »
New members must have 50 posts in the "newbie discussion" forum prior to being able to post on the rest of the forums.

Newbie discussion / Re: C'mon guys....really!?!? This policy sucks!
« on: February 04, 2013, 01:17 am »
Seems a bit counter-intuitive...implementing a policy to reduce spamming...which effectively increases spamming.

You're missing the point -- yes, some new members have chosen to waste their 50 posts here by spamming with a bunch of crap posts.  However, the entire reason for this policy is to reduce the SCAMMERS' spam: the "virwex" aka "bitcointalks" aka "bitkoin" spam which - before this policy was implemented - filled all of the forums.  So yes, some new users decide to spam here, but it's not the kind intended to rip off members of this community -- therefore, this policy has helped BIG TIME.

Newbie discussion / Re: Bitcoin banned?
« on: February 04, 2013, 01:12 am »
Not sure how this would work since bitcoins are also used to buy completely legal items and not every bitcoin exchange is used for money laundering.

Newbie discussion / Re: df
« on: February 04, 2013, 01:09 am »
This policy is what prevents the entire forum from being filled with spam by the "virwex" / "bitcointalks" / "bitkoin" scammers.

DO NOT use a username that can be tied to you!  In other words - do not use the same username that you use on clearnet!!!!

Silk Road discussion / Re: AM I THE ONLY ONE???
« on: February 03, 2013, 11:59 pm »
I haven't had any trouble accessing SR. 

« on: February 03, 2013, 10:55 pm »
Why are you asking to delete this thread?  Couldn't it prove helpful to other new members?

Technical support / Re: Automatic login to Silk Road?!
« on: February 03, 2013, 08:45 am »
Unless the settings are incorrect in your TBB (tor browser bundle) this shouldn't be possible. 

Technical support / Re: Automatic login to Silk Road?!
« on: February 03, 2013, 08:15 am »
Are you using Tor browser bundle?  Do you have any password-storing extensions installed?  Auto-login shouldn't be happening if you're using the Tor browser bundle without additions.

Newbie discussion / Re: ???? -1 karma???
« on: February 02, 2013, 10:10 pm »
No, there's no way to find out who gave you the -1, or why.

Here's a +1 to tell you it's nothing to worry too much about.  :)

Bug reports / Re: Can't reply to posts or edit!
« on: February 02, 2013, 10:07 pm »
The admins implemented a new policy where members have to have 50 posts in the Newbie subforum before they are allowed to post in the rest of the forum.

I seriously hope I can post again in the whole forum as soon as I'm approved as SR Vendor.

If inigo grants you access to the vendor forum, yes, you will be able to post anywhere you like regardless of your post count.  :)

Newbie discussion / Re: Creating your liveUSB on Mac?
« on: February 02, 2013, 10:06 pm »
It's way easier, in my opinion!  My macbook air doesn't have an optical drive, so I just bought a cheap external DVD drive for $6 or so.  Works perfectly and was - at least for me - so much easier to get running.  And although there isn't a definitive answer about whether to use Tails or Liberte, I'd recommend Tails. 

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