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Messages - scout

Pages: 1 ... 144 145 [146] 147 148 ... 250
Newbie discussion / Re: Bitcoins never made it to SR
« on: March 27, 2013, 10:02 pm »
Contact SR Support - that's all you can do.

$13k ?!?!?!  Ugh. 

Newbie discussion / Re: Bit coin Withdrawal error
« on: March 27, 2013, 09:41 pm »
Yes, the coins will eventually show up.  Contact SR Support from the main site:


Thanks for the update, hupe21.

Newbie discussion / Re: BTC TRANSACTION FAILED????
« on: March 27, 2013, 09:26 pm »
Yep, the coins aren't lost - the transaction is just delayed.  This happens pretty often, but the coins do always eventually come through.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Beware my fellow SR's
« on: March 27, 2013, 09:26 pm »
BBB = DrugDealer ... except it seems like DrugDealer may or may not have re-absorbed BBB.

But if the vendor DID put the order in transit (like actually shipped the package out) then don't you think it'd be worth waiting to see if you receive it before you ask for a refund?  Try getting in touch with the vendor again and find out if the package was actually put in transit yet or not.  If it has been, you'll have to wait and see if it arrives.  If it hasn't actually been shipped out yet, THEN you can try to go about having the order canceled.

Newbie discussion / Re: BTC TRANSACTION FAILED????
« on: March 27, 2013, 09:19 pm »
Yes, it can sometimes take this long.  If it still hasn't shown up in a few more hours, send a message to SR Support on the main site.

Customer support / Re: Why can't I post or reply???
« on: March 27, 2013, 07:04 pm »
You need 50 posts in the newbie subforum before you can post in other sections.  Locking this thread as resolved.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Beware my fellow SR's
« on: March 27, 2013, 07:45 am »
huh?  is BBB = DrugDealer?

haha without a doubt

Seems like a nice guy just a little "out there"

Okay, glad I'm not the only person who noticed the identical speech patterns / spelling!  I thought maybe I was high.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Beware my fellow SR's
« on: March 27, 2013, 07:07 am »
huh?  is BBB = DrugDealer?

A scout I don't know yuou or I never really talk to you but my friend thats the police bro, trust me.  I'm about 90 percent sure at this point

You and I are definitely in agreement about the vendor being sketchy, that's for sure! 

Newbie discussion / Re: Bitcoins never made it to SR
« on: March 27, 2013, 04:57 am »
There's nothing more I can tell you - we can't do anything from our end on the forums here, so you'll either need to be patient and trust that your coins will show up when they get to your complaint, or message them again but realize sending multiple messages isn't going to get their attention any sooner --- there are a lot of things that need to be dealt with, and they do so as soon as they are able to.

There is a reason this vendor has a feedback score of around 20 (last time I checked). 

It doesn't hurt to be optimistic at times, within reason.  Unfortunately, the way this whole thing played out is due to either some truly Shakespearean timing or it is/was an elaborate, well-played scam.  Either way, LucyDrop or his partner, if the story is true, got away with stealing from a multitude of members here.  Do you guys think it's time to lock this thread yet?  LucyDrop - the fake or the real - isn't coming back (they've said as much several times).

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