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Messages - scout

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Customer support / Re: vendor group
« on: April 18, 2013, 08:25 pm »
Have you received the refund of your vendor bond?  Have you read the wiki about the vendor roundtable?

Please read this:


SR Support is located at this address -


Thank you for posting that link.  I've started doing that as well, but forgot in this case.  +1 

Customer support / Re: Scam scam scam scam
« on: April 18, 2013, 08:23 pm »
How to prevent such a thing by the SR in the near future?
I know we shouldn't have FEed but hey

You have answered your own question - you can easily prevent losing money to scams by NOT FINALIZING EARLY.

I'm not sure what to recommend in the meantime -- is the issue still occurring for people?  Did you send a message to Vendor Support?  I did pass the info on to both DPR and inigo, so I hope for your case that they are able to look into it and help you out.  Definitely open a line of communication with Vendor Support as well.

Newbie discussion / Re: how to FE ?
« on: April 18, 2013, 05:34 pm »
yes, you will have to wait until it is marked "in transit" but please also realize that if any issues occur and you have finalized early, SR Support will not be able to help you.

Customer support / Re: Important! SR Suport changes buyers reviews
« on: April 18, 2013, 05:20 pm »
I'm sorry to hear this.  :(

Also, no one should attack you for posting an honest review.

Rumor mill / Re: Possible scammer
« on: April 18, 2013, 05:17 pm »
vpshosting is definitely a scammer.  as you mentioned, his images are stolen from popular listings on SR and all of his feedback is fake.  yesterday, the feedback all stated the exact same thing word for word, but it looks like since then, he has gone back through and changed it so they aren't all identical.

reported him yesterday, but so far he hasn't been banned.

Rumor mill / Re: SR Scam Reports
« on: April 18, 2013, 05:13 pm »
WARNING: Kingoftheroundtable / roundtableknight = SCAMMER!!!

I was in a bind and needed BTC > Moneypak, thought Sugar Mama wasn't doing it because the listing was down (dumb on my part), and because I wanted to get orders out to people ASAP I took a chance on Kingoftheroundtable / roundtableknight, HUGE mistake. Scammer dickhead no longer responding to my PMs. I know it was stupid of me, but given that my partner is in jail I was scrambling to assemble the money to get our standing orders out, and this bastard decided that was a good time to scam me. Thanks, you evil fuck. Hope you enjoy.  :'(

Looks like he was banned.

The vendor has been banned.

Newbie discussion / Re: Anyone Else Just Get Fucked?
« on: April 18, 2013, 05:07 pm »
OP - as I just posted in your other thread, please be sure to send a message to Vendor Support over on the marketplace.  I've also reported this issue to DPR and inigo.

Rumor mill / Re: wtf? weird PM's
« on: April 18, 2013, 05:07 pm »
Yep, we've deleted his account multiple times but he simply re-registers the exact same username and continues on his spammy way.

The best thing to do is to change your forum settings so that it does NOT show when you are online.

Definitely send a message to Vendor Support over on SR itself.  I'll send inigo and DPR a PM right now as well.  Here is a link to contact Vendor Support on the main site:


Customer support / Re: Can SR cancel an order early ?
« on: April 18, 2013, 04:52 pm »
I'll lock this thread as resolved.

« on: April 18, 2013, 04:52 pm »
SR can't protect people when they do transactions outside of the escrow system - I believe SR makes that abundantly clear.  This could have been avoided by searching on the forums for the vendor, or by reading feedback left on the vendor's own profile and listings.  The vendor has been banned.

I reported him yesterday to admin.

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