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Messages - scout

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Shipping / Re: Shipping Advice to and From Vendors
« on: May 13, 2013, 04:28 am »
Totally scout, but sadly ive gotten so many packs that either had a visible finger print on them, or the triple sealed vac bag/mbb would faintly smell of product, from transfer odor. I understand that the amount of time and effort that would imply, but its imperative to the safety of the seller and buyer alike.

Definitely worth the extra time and effort if it means that the packaging (and shipment as a whole!) is safer!

Newbie discussion / Re: 1st order - Communicating with Vendor
« on: May 13, 2013, 04:26 am »
So, it doesn't initially say you have to encrypt it, but that it is encrypted when you send it. Then it says that you can encrypt manually to be extra cautious. I would be pissed if I sent unencrypted after reading this to find it hadn't been encrypted, so I'm gonna encrypt it myself.

Thank you

Yes, I just saw that and suggested to DPR and the other mods/admins that maybe we expand on that and make it more clear, because I know for a fact that vendors still receive unencrypted addresses from buyers .... so my guess is that what they are saying is that it's encrypted on the server so it can't be intercepted, but that if you don't encrypt it to your vendor's key yourself, then it will show up unencrypted when they open your order (which you don't want).

It's best to encrypt it yourself so that ONLY the vendor with the correct PGP key can decrypt it.

I'll give you a recent example.  A vendor fell for a scam message and provided his password and PIN to a phishing site.  His account was then taken over by whoever ran the phishing site, and that person was able to see all of the vendor's current orders.  If any buyer had sent their shipping info WITHOUT encrypting it, then the scammer who was in control of the account would be able to see their shipping info, and that buyer would then have been compromised.

If, on the other hand, the scammer was looking at an order that the buyer had encrypted to the vendor's key, the scammer would not have been able to read / access any of the buyer's personal details because the scammer didn't possess the vendor's public and private keys - even though he was in control of the vendor's SR account.

Hope this makes sense - if you need me to clarify, let me know!

Checking in to see if either of you have gotten back into your accounts.  Let us know! :)

Any update on this problem, 5ofdiamonds?

Good to hear!  Thanks for letting us know.  I'll lock this thread as resolved.  :)

Customer support / Re: When can i Post new post in other areas!
« on: May 13, 2013, 04:16 am »
I signed up a few hours ago to ask a question in the drug area. However i can not make  a new topic or reply. I can only do that here it seems. How long do i have to wait?

You need 50 posts in the Newbie subforum before you can post elsewhere.  Please feel free to create a new thread in the Newbie subforum to ask your question!

Shipping / Re: Shipping Advice to and From Vendors
« on: May 13, 2013, 04:08 am »
Im never one to type in CAPS, but this is so important, and tooo many vendors do not employ this..


^ Great advice ... in some cases, I've even seen people recommend that vendors use two pairs of gloves to be extra cautious.

Newbie discussion / Re: 1st order - Communicating with Vendor
« on: May 13, 2013, 04:07 am »
Thanks guys, All very helpful. Just one more thing: The buyers guide says that the name and address I put in the shopping cart IS encrypted. Is this automatically done by SR? and should I encrypt the name and address manually myself before I put it in the shopping cart?

Is this new?  I was totally unaware that SR encrypted order information automatically.  It has always been encouraged to encrypt your address, but when I was a vendor, addresses were only encrypted if the buyer themselves encrypted it.  I received several non-encrypted addresses on orders as well, which is why I was under the impression that it was not encrypted unless the person encrypted it themselves (And hence the emphasis on learning encryption and encrypting all of your sensitive order information).

Even if SR does encrypt it automatically, encrypting it yourself with the vendor's key is still safest because in those cases, there is no way for SR to view the info (which would be bad if it were ever compromised).

I have made a deposit into my account - check the bitcoin address and it is correct and checked the Blockchain, and it has been confirmed 3 times now, why is it not show in my Silk Road Account?

Anyone know any other reason apart from a problem with Silk Roads software that it would not be show in my account?


Ah, therein lies the rub!  It will always have at least 6 confirmations before it shows up in your SR wallet.  Each confirmation takes around 10 minutes on a good day, so you can usually expect to see it within 1-2 hours.  However, it CAN take several hours, as sometimes there are unexpected delays with the built-in tumbler.

You should see them pretty soon.  :)

Also -- before you ask - if you check blockchain and see that your deposit is transferred to another unrecognizable btc address, you don't need to worry because that's just evidence of SR's built-in bitcoin mixer at work. 

Hope this helps!

Shipping / Re: Shipping Advice to and From Vendors
« on: May 13, 2013, 03:50 am »
Everyone who might want to post in this thread should just keep in mind in doing so that LE reads these forums so you don't want to give away anything TOO specific about the secrets you might have for getting things shipped successfully.

Newbie discussion / Re: 1st order - Communicating with Vendor
« on: May 13, 2013, 03:48 am »
(also, no, messages are not automatically encrypted by SR ... you need to manually encrypt your messages.  this way, everyone is 100% in control of their own PGP key, their own decrypting, and their own encrypting ... which is safer, as far as i understand it.)

Newbie discussion / Re: 1st order - Communicating with Vendor
« on: May 13, 2013, 03:47 am »
When sending a vendor an encrypted message, make sure you use their public key to encrypt it.  Then when writing them an encrypted message just put your public key at the end of the message.  They only need your public key to respond with an encrypted message.

^ This.  You would use notepad or some other text editor to compose your message, and then after your message, paste your PGP key.  Then select ALL of that text (including your PGP key!) and encrypt the ENTIRE thing to the vendor's PGP key.

Then you'll have it all in a block of encrypted text which you can then copy and paste into the SR message field to send to the vendor.

Since you're encrypting it to their key, they will be able to decrypt your message even without your key (as long as you do not sign the message) ... so they'll decrypt it and then they'll be able to import your PGP key from your decrypted message.

Thanks, guys, and I really do appreciate the work Scout. I will miss the money no doubt, but if I can do anything to help my fellow SR members I will, and I think many of the posters on here feel the same way. Really glad to see this guy is down, now I gotta hit the grind and get some more coins lol.

I might recommend a service like Bitinstant or Bitcopia or Blue Sky Traders ... something that doesn't involve an MP vendor on SR.  It's just too easy to be scammed buying btc with MPs here.  :(


+1 to you Scout

haha, thanks!

also, reading through goingpostal's vendor profile, they list their email as ... which sounds awfully similar to MiMM ... lol

Can't find the thread I was thinking of, but a quick search did lead to this message from goingpostal:

Quote from: goingpostal
    U guys crack me up .. MiMM and i are coworkers .. It's not a big conspiracy I started a BMR site while SR was down .. get a life!

So I'd say that pretty much confirms that MiMM = goingpostal (or at least they are "coworkers").  Then there was this thread where goingpostal posted about "going to see" MiMM and telling MiMM's customers to buy from him (goingpostal) at the time:


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