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Messages - scout

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I think the official storyline from goingpostal is that they and MiMM are part of the same operation, but not the same person.  Who knows, but you're free to do a search on goingpostal to see the other mentions of this subject lately.

Newbie discussion / Re: liston
« on: May 13, 2013, 11:45 pm »
For keeping buyer info and threatening to set up one of his customers to get busted by the DEA.

I dont mean to be argumentative or anything here, but your answer gives absolutely no reasons or evidence to back it up and at the moment, can only, in my mind, be added to the 'paranoid' or 'disliker of MIMM' section

Maybe you would care to elaborate, or supply any facts or evidence to support your theory? Because atm, I see no reason to believe it

Re-read my post - I stated nothing of my opinion on the vendor whatsoever ... I simply stated what has been posted on the forums recently in regards to MiMM and goingpostal.

Not only that, but this is also someone who has already had their account compromised and saw fit to then ask for donations from us.

Newbie discussion / Re: 1st order - Communicating with Vendor
« on: May 13, 2013, 11:28 pm »

I'm curious why you advise encrypting your public key along with the rest of your message to your vendor.

If someone gets hold of your public key all they can do is encrypt a msg for you?

It doesn't really matter - I only suggested encrypting it with your entire message for ease.  If you'd rather put it at the end of your message and only encrypt the message itself, that is absolutely fine as well.

Thing you got the wrong end of some stick here man

MIMM seems like a cool vendor to me, in fact im probably going to buy off him at some point

Looks to me like this postal guy is just a scammer, that has copied alot of the text from MIMM's profile

goingpostal is either MiMM or a co-worker of MiMM.

Silk Road discussion / Re: message subject checking in?????
« on: May 13, 2013, 11:19 pm »
It's nothing to worry about, it's just a message to either remind you to finalize, or if the auto finalize date is near to extend the time.

^ This is true.  It's just an automated message designed to help.  Nothing to worry about.  :)

Newbie discussion / Re: E-mail hacking services
« on: May 13, 2013, 11:04 pm »
This kind of thing is not allowed on SR.

Customer support / Re: My vendor account has been hacked
« on: May 13, 2013, 11:03 pm »
Did you provide your password and PIN anywhere?  Perhaps to a link in a message over on SR?

If you've already created a new account and sent a message to Vendor Support, then that's all you can do at this point ... though you may want to consider warning your customers about the fact that someone else is in control of your account.

Rumor mill / Re: The Top Shelf
« on: May 13, 2013, 11:01 pm »
Yes, he went rogue here after also scamming his customers on Atlantis.

Customer support / Re: Locked out with a correct pin?
« on: May 13, 2013, 11:01 pm »
Locking this thread as Libertas provided good instruction on this issue.

People continue to PM us asking to reopen this poll.  It will not be reopened - Liston threatened a buyer and regardless of the details, this is NEVER acceptable behavior from a vendor.

Any update on this problem, 5ofdiamonds?
Scout i made investment of some shares and notified Finance. since then same prob failed login....also error message on vendor panel everytime?   thx for your time scout and thx for mentioning the prob 5ofdiamonds
Peace n Love

That was a scam .... :\

Newbie discussion / Re: How long does it take for BC to SR?
« on: May 13, 2013, 01:28 pm »
Glad to hear it arrived, WindsOfNuclearWinter!

You kept buyer details after shipping and threatened to set someone up to get busted by LE ... I think I speak for everyone here when I vote "NO, SR DON'T WANT LISTON ANYMORE" in your poll.

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