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Messages - scout

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Newbie discussion / Re: Vendor status on the forum
« on: May 19, 2013, 07:38 pm »
im unsure if i comply, but i will message support and see if i get granted, thanks for your help

Since you joined before the vendor bond increased in December, all you need to do is have a link in your signature here (which you do) and then you just need to send a message to Vendor Support.  Be sure to mention that you became a vendor BEFORE the increased price in December.  That way, they'll know that you haven't received a vendor bond refund because you aren't eligible for one, and will grant you access to the vendor roundtable.  :)

Here is the direct link for messaging Vendor Support:


Newbie discussion / Re: Vendor status on the forum
« on: May 19, 2013, 07:28 pm »

can i be recognised as a vendor and have my status updated on forum , i havnt massaged about a minor thing but if this get read pleae action, much kindly

You haven't followed the procedure set in place, yet you expect to be granted the Vendor tag? ??? ???
You need to do the same as everybody else:


With respect Libertas, i did read the wiki guide before i posted.

i cant apply for a bond as i joined SR before bond date in december, the username dr (space) greenfingers, was taken on the forum but not on SR, my bad luck there - so i got the closest possible, but apart from that minor issue i thought i complied. My SR address has been in my signature for months.

Not sure what else im to do, i was just enquiring not expecting, hence why i havnt messaged anyone, just posted in the forum.

Thanks anyway

If you haven't messaged anyone, how can you expect to get the vendor tag?

The wiki specifically states that you need to send Vendor Support a message on SR to get access to the vendor roundtable.

People don't just get locked out of their accounts - for someone to get access to your account, they need your password.  If your password is even decently strong, then there's no way someone is going to guess it.  For someone to get access to your account AND your bitcoins, they need your password and your PIN.  Again, if those things are sufficiently strong, no one is going to have guessed them.

Assuming your password and PIN were strong, that leaves the following possibilities:

1.  you were entering these incorrectly;
2.  at some point, you entered them in a phishing site; or
3.  your computer is compromised somehow (keylogger,etc.).

Customer support / Re: suspended vendor account bullshit!!!
« on: May 19, 2013, 07:24 pm »
my account marthastewart was suspended saying I was fished when I use the same url for a long time saved on my computer and they said I had a key logger when nobody has used my computer or comes over to my house. This is bullshit! SR accept there was an error on your part and I want a refund on my account or it to be re activated now! So is SR guilty until proven innocent? sick of mods saying it had to be one way and accusing me when I did nothing to get fished or was key logged. Accept you guys made a mistake!

People don't just get locked out of their accounts - for someone to get access to your account, they need your password.  If your password is even decently strong, then there's no way someone is going to guess it.  For someone to get access to your account AND your bitcoins, they need your password and your PIN.  Again, if those things are sufficiently strong, no one is going to have guessed them.

Assuming your password and PIN were strong, that leaves the following possibilities:

1.  you were entering these incorrectly;
2.  at some point, you entered them in a phishing site; or
3.  your computer is compromised somehow (keylogger,etc.).

Customer support / Re: Forum Account
« on: May 19, 2013, 08:21 am »
Sorry, there's no way to do that.

I'd recommended sending a message to SR Support...

Customer support / Re: Money in escrow?
« on: May 19, 2013, 12:40 am »
No problem.  Locking the thread.  :)

Rumor mill / Re: Perfect way to eradicate all scams on SR...
« on: May 19, 2013, 12:33 am »
I'm not sure there is any way to prevent people from leaving the escrow system.  It would be nice and much better that way, obviously, but no matter how the system functions, people will always find a way around it.

The saddest part to me is that people are FE'ing for these scams simply to get "free shipping" on an order which will never arrive.  Finalizing early just to save a few bucks on shipping is such a bad decision.

Scammer.  It was all over the forums, so I'm not sure why so many people continued to finalize early.  :-\

Security / Re: Can you use your tormail account with MT.GOX?
« on: May 19, 2013, 12:31 am »
It's not worth the risk, is it?  Why not use a real non-tormail email address for it?  That way, you don't risk having them freeze your account.

Customer support / Re: Money in escrow?
« on: May 18, 2013, 08:12 pm »
You'll need to wait until the resolution link is available, and then you can request a refund.  I'm afraid there's no way to get around waiting the usual amount of time.

Rumor mill / Re: Question about listonishere
« on: May 18, 2013, 03:32 pm »
Yes, they're probably the same person.  Liston's original account was banned due to saving buyer info and threatening to set a buyer up to be busted by DEA.

Now it looks like he's back, which is fine as long as he doesn't scam anyone or threaten anyone or break the very few rules that SR has.

Off topic / Re: Vancouver company intercepts LSD-laced mail
« on: May 18, 2013, 05:50 am »
at least strike a compromise and lock this disgrace of a thread

proposed that as a compromise, but we couldn't agree, so the thread stays unlocked for now.

Off topic / Re: Vancouver company intercepts LSD-laced mail
« on: May 18, 2013, 05:30 am »
Your heart is in the right place, SmokingCaterpillar.  :)

Off topic / Re: Vancouver company intercepts LSD-laced mail
« on: May 18, 2013, 05:05 am »
The only people whose safety is in danger are the buyers, who must be informed immediately.

Agreed, and hopefully the vendor has done this already.

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