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Messages - scout

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Customer support / Re: Dispute with vendor
« on: May 20, 2013, 02:54 am »
Very strange!  Obviously, I don't know all of the facts (and don't have access to that information) but it's definitely worth taking it to the resolution center and see if there's something you can work out there with the vendor / SR admin.

The bottom line is that they locked the account for the protection of your customers AND you since you initially claimed that someone hacked your account.  It is remaining locked while they complete an investigation.  If you did nothing wrong, then you have nothing to worry about, and you have NOT been "kicked off" -- it's just under review and, as we keep mentioning, will in all likelihood be reopened after the investigation.

THanks for hearing me out SR staff. I have a lot to offer the free market and want to be a part of it, thanks!

I don't think I'm really considered a member of "SR staff" ( :( ) but I do know that they will absolutely unlock your account if they don't find any policy violations.  I'm sure everything will be okay with it!

Newbie discussion / Re: negative karma for spaming newb forum..
« on: May 20, 2013, 02:32 am »
wtf.. post here if youve gotten bad karma because your a newb. not a big deal but pretty lame

Just checked out your post history and I think the reason you were given negative karma is because you posted a bunch of your spam posts in legitimate threads where people were asking legitimate questions.  You're free to "spam to 50" in one of the pre-existing threads, or create your own, but you really shouldn't post random spam posts in the middle of non-spam threads.  Just common courtesy.

Customer support / Re: Dispute with vendor
« on: May 20, 2013, 02:27 am »
I placed an order with a vendor, and it was delivered, but that is the only thing we can agree on. I am upset because the product is fake, and contains no active ingredients. The vendor claims that he clearly stated the were bootlegged, which he did say, but that is not synonymous with bunk/fake. He claimed that the product was good, just not as strong as the original, but the product was completely inert. He advertised with brand names, and specific chemical names. I have not finalized as I plan on taking it to resolution and letting the SR staff decide what is fair. I'm writing here to get feedback before I contact SR staff directly, any feedback is appreciated.

When you hear that something is "bootlegged," do you take that to mean it is legitimate?  I've always assumed bootlegged = not authentic, in most contexts.

Regardless, you're certainly free to take it to the resolution center and see if maybe they have a different opinion on the matter.  :)

On the other hand, if the vendor led you to believe that it would be active / good, and you've found it to be completely inert, then you might have some luck in the resolution center .... but I really can't try to guess at how it will turn out.  Still, the worst that can happen is you pay the vendor 100% and then leave feedback explaining the issue.

Silk Road discussion / Re: Re: Support delays
« on: May 20, 2013, 02:26 am »
There's a difference between *allowing* vendors to ask for FE and actually *supporting / encouraging* that practice.  SR allows vendors to request it, but obviously SR doesn't encourage it or support it.

Again I ask those to all that have said it. How is knowing your rights, and not allowing Police to harass you, "asking for it". You think lawyers here go around paying these stupid fines and letting Police search their cars? Are all lawyers "asking for it"? Does knowing the law and your rights, protecting them and not waiving them simply mean you're "asking for it"? That's very single minded thinking. "Do as Jesus tells you in the Bible or you go to Hell". Fuck off (to the jesus thing not anyones opinion on the matter, I'm more than happy for an open discussion)

The key difference to emphasize here is that between "knowing your rights" and being blatantly argumentative and disrespectful.  I guarantee you'd be more likely to get your car searched and more likely to be treated badly by police if you call them "policy enforcers" and go down that list of questions/demands.  Why risk pissing them off and causing yourself far more trouble?

Please understand, it's definitely good to know your rights and to make sure that they are afforded to you in these cases, but there's a fine line between knowing your rights and expecting them to be respected, and going too far with it to the point of being disrespectful / aggressive beyond what is necessary.

(note: I'm saying all of this as my opinion in the discussion, but I respect the differing opinions in the thread as well!  So I'm not trying to say, "NO, U R WRONGZ!" ... just giving my personal opinion!)


I love discussions like these where we can have different opinions and still talk about it with respect rather than being angry or dismissive.  +1 to you for hearing me out and not directing that "fuck off" to me.  :D

My girlfriend got a $250 fine because she was driving while talking on the phone to me (my call was on speaker but she just held her end close to her mouth because she was driving and there was a lot of noise.

Technically though, there are laws in some places against using a handheld device because kids have been killed by distracted drivers.  I feel like in those situations, pulling someone over for texting or talking on a handheld device in areas where that is illegal is ... well ... to be expected.

No, it won't delete it from the recipient's account.  Also, SR keeps deleted messages for several months in case they need to look into any issues that may arise.

To be clear, when a vendor is banned for scamming, they are allowed to start over with a new account.  SR won't ban the person just because they scammed with their initial vendor account.  So, yes, Liston was banned for keeping customer info and threatening to set a customer up to be busted by DEA, and that account was shut down.  If he's back, there's nothing SR will do about it as long as he follows the rules this time.

At least they're dumb enough to use fake signatures, so you can prove it's a scam within 30 seconds.

That's definitely one thing we have on our side - the ability to prove that the signature is complete BS.

yes it pisses them off, because they realise you know your rights. If they keep yapping on you simply demand they call their supervisor. They'll always say "sir you could've ended this a long time ago by just doing what you were told to do".

Freedom has its prices, and you may be there a little bit longer than intended but you get out knowing that you "fucked" with a police officer as much as they "fuck" with the rest of the general public.

I guess I fail to see why anyone should treat them like shit unprovoked.  Most of these traffic cops are just trying to do their job, and the more you "push" it/them, the worse the situation becomes.  For a simple traffic stop, it's worth considering that it might just be better to let them do their job and then get the hell out of there.  Don't give them more of a reason to take it any further!

Then again, that's just my opinion, and it might be because I've seen a lot of LE who are genuinely good people just trying to do their job and actually HELP people.  Unfortunately, that's not a universal thing, but it's also not a universal thing for all cops to be assholes who deserve horrible things.

The bottom line is that they locked the account for the protection of your customers AND you since you initially claimed that someone hacked your account.  It is remaining locked while they complete an investigation.  If you did nothing wrong, then you have nothing to worry about, and you have NOT been "kicked off" -- it's just under review and, as we keep mentioning, will in all likelihood be reopened after the investigation.

You are making a mountain out of a molehill by continually posting about this topic as if you were being screwed over.  SR has locked your account pending investigation since you claimed it had been compromised.  If you did nothing wrong, then they will see that and will reopen your account!

This just seems like a really good way to piss them the fuck off ... which you don't really want to do if you're trying not to draw unwanted attention to yourself ...

Thanks for the support, you guys!  :) 

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