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Messages - Sarge

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I'm not a Mac user, but it seems a lot of your questions are non O/S specific

2. VM or USB?
If your using Whonix, Vm. Tails USB

3. Whonix or Tails?
My opinion Whonix

4. Mac address spoofing? (Code, Reporting, Implications)
? Cant help you there.

5. Stop outgoing reports? (Console is always trying to call Apple... this is not good.)
Not sure

6. SSD or HD?
I imagine Mac SSD technology is the same as PC SSD, therefore its not easy to completely remove all files even after deleting. Using a USB with Tails will fix this issue.

7. Advanced OPSEC tuning and leading edge development? (Other Darknet forums, links or think tanks)
No Idea

8. Run an encrypted, Truecrypt Lynix partition for all of the deviant stuff, and run a nice and normal partition for the regular porn stuff. 
yes. Truecypt is cool. run a hidden parition.  But if your using Tails on a USB, then no need.

Feature Requests / Re: Panic Button
« on: October 22, 2013, 11:44:42 pm »
yeah i do like that idea.

Feature Requests / Re: Panic Button
« on: October 22, 2013, 10:40:49 pm »
You should at least consider providing it as an option and let the user decide if they need to use it.

I only moderate the forums. I have no control over the design of the site. I was just giving my opinion... DPR monitors these threads, If he likes it I'm sure he'll implement it.

Feature Requests / Re: Panic Button
« on: October 22, 2013, 04:05:28 am »
I may be pessimistic. But I think by the time cops have he vendor, if the vendor is inclined to cooperate they probably wouldn't push the panic button anyway.

it may just be a false sense of security.

Feature Requests / Re: Panic Button
« on: October 22, 2013, 03:47:28 am »
I think the best defense is good security practices.

* Always use PGP.
* Don't order to your house.
* Don't order more than 1 order to 1 drop.
* Wait to receive an order before making more orders
* Allow some time between when you expect the product to arrive, and when you pick it up (if possible)
* Only order any amount that you are prepared to be caught with.
* Don't open the mail straight away.
* Write return to sender on the mail.
* Have a plausible story to why your picking up the mail.
* NEVER talk to cops, always ask for a lawyer

Not all these will work for everyone, but you should at least have a plan in your head if the worst does happen

Shipping / Re: Import duty/VAT on drugs
« on: October 22, 2013, 02:05:48 am »
Usually envelopes do not require Custom forms. Documents have a $0 declared value, therefore do not require tax.

If your stealth involves some sort of product that may have a perceived value, then it is always best to declare the correct value of the stealth. So if your sending it inside a cheap Mobile Phone , your declared value would be about $90usd.. Then there may be tax required on it, depending on the destination country.

I have had things held up in customs before, because the vendor put a $0 declared value, but the item had a value. Luckily in my instance the custom officers opened it, decided it value is less than the taxable amount and forwarded it on. If the vendor had put a realistic value of hte item, then the item would have just gone straight through customs without a hold up..

Shipping / Re: express mail?
« on: October 22, 2013, 01:59:53 am »
It may help if you mention what country this is for..

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Nod flipped by feds - The Smoking Gun
« on: October 21, 2013, 11:30:47 pm »
I thought one of the perks with buying online, is your vendor or customers shouldn't have any information on you that they can trade to police....

perhaps thats because you make useless posts like this one ;)

Off Topic / Re: what happened to Samesamebutdifferent
« on: October 21, 2013, 05:32:50 am »
He's morphed into this fucking Sarge character. What a guy he was. Proper gentleman, not many like him no more I tell thee.

I don't know where this rumor started. I seem to get a PM daily asking me if I'm SSBD.

But it doesn't bother me. SSBD was a credit to this community and if I do half a good of a job he did, then I'll be happy. I don't mind people thinking I am him.

Rumor Mill / Re: FartBomber may not be real. but he may be
« on: October 21, 2013, 01:00:12 am »
I have removed Farbombers vendor tag until he decodes my message.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Project Black Flag Discussion
« on: October 21, 2013, 12:13:24 am »
Why is there no "Black Market Reloaded Discussion" or "Sheep Marketplace Discussion"?  DPR is going out of his way to bring attention to this Project Black Flag, yet he claims over and over he doesn't endorse it, etc.

DPR has nothing to do with Black Flags.

We are just collating the information in 1 thread. If we deleted all Black Flags threads, another one would just pop up.

Fatbomber has linked me to his PGP on the old forums.

So far I have no reason to believe he is not who he says he is. If he can decrypt my PM I sent him, then he is, as far as we can verify, the real deal.

Can everyone please PM me with any accusations like this. We don't need to unnecessarily damage anyone's reputation

Off Topic / Re: BMR may stay online.
« on: October 18, 2013, 05:30:09 am »
I read somewhere that backopy's real identity has been leaked. He is a ... (don't know the name, but I am sure its forbidden to post personal data in this forums)

I just wanted to reiterate this.

Posting anyone real identity or information, whether they your biggest competition, or worst enemy, is strictly forbidden.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Accessing The Vendor Round Table - Updated
« on: October 18, 2013, 02:36:30 am »
Is there currently a vendors forum on this new forum?

There is, if you have a vendor tag.

For those of you who haven't got their tag yet, Have you sent me a link to your PGP on the old forums? Or can you post my nick in the old forum on your account?

Your forum account on the old forums need to have evidence of you vending, it doesn't necessarily need a vendor tag, just old posts of you offering products ect will do..

If you cant satisfy either of these conditions, I'm afraid I cant verify you, you will need to wait for launch to see what DPR offers.

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