Silk Road forums

Discussion => Shipping => Topic started by: Astyanax on August 18, 2013, 08:57 pm

Title: U.S. Domestic Love Letter
Post by: Astyanax on August 18, 2013, 08:57 pm
If I were one of the lucky guys who received a U.S. domestic love letter for a small amount of weed what would the implications be? Does the Postal Inspector have some way of red flagging my name and address? If so, would this just be for packages or would they scrutinize letters too? Should I consider the address burned and have my girlfriend get a mom & pop shop PO Box?

Or is this just a scare tactic/slap on the wrist since it was for a personal use amount? I can't help but think that they don't have the resources, justification or real means of flagging an address over a little bit of pot. I mean if you haven't been charged with a crime and the illegal goods never got to you, it doesn't seem ripe for justifying any action other than the notice of seizure. As many have said before, anyone can send you something in the mail. I know that they can definitely stop packages from individuals they are investigating. But I would guess that they would be much more interested in the sender.

Another point, since CO has become a "legal" state they are likely facing federal pressure to really scrutinize and crack down on weed leaving the state. Is it possible that my name/address is only burned in CO? Any advice and wisdom is greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: U.S. Domestic Love Letter
Post by: DonaldDraper on August 18, 2013, 09:36 pm
Your logic seems very flawed. I would consider the address burnt, period. Regardless of any amount, if a substance is found sent to an address, IT IS GOING TO BE RED FLAGGED. Just move on to the next one.

- Don
Title: Re: U.S. Domestic Love Letter
Post by: Kiwikiikii on August 18, 2013, 10:33 pm
if you are under investigation then it doesnt matter where you get your drugs sent to they will find you with them. i have not seen any evidence that they give extra scrutiny to addresses of confiscated packages without an investigation. do you feel that you are under investigation or that you could be if you continue?
Title: Re: U.S. Domestic Love Letter
Post by: BruceCampbell on August 19, 2013, 12:20 am
Considering I've never even heard of a domestic love letter I'd say you're lucky the FBI didn't knock on your door because the entirety of reddit and LEO knows where that weed came from. Your address is now linked to Silk Road and you should pretty much consider your address flagged. At the post office they have slots for every address in town. All a PI needs to do is put a sticky note under your slot saying "inspect or forward to PI before delivery"
Title: Re: U.S. Domestic Love Letter
Post by: XxWINxX94x23 on August 19, 2013, 12:36 am
Your logic seems very flawed. I would consider the address burnt, period. Regardless of any amount, if a substance is found sent to an address, IT IS GOING TO BE RED FLAGGED. Just move on to the next one.

- Don

Meh I don't think this is entirely true. I got a letter from an international shipment and used the same address for many domestic ones. No issues so far.
Title: Re: U.S. Domestic Love Letter
Post by: Astyanax on August 19, 2013, 12:54 am
Your logic seems very flawed. I would consider the address burnt, period. Regardless of any amount, if a substance is found sent to an address, IT IS GOING TO BE RED FLAGGED. Just move on to the next one.

- Don

Meh I don't think this is entirely true. I got a letter from an international shipment and used the same address for many domestic ones. No issues so far.

The question is: do they really red flag addresses over personal use amounts? I've heard multiple people say similar things as you have, that they got a customs letter but then continued to use SR domestically with no issues. The thing is, very few people have ever received a domestic love letter, so we are really just posturing about how postal inspectors handle these cases without any actual facts.

The article Bruce posted has some good information. But, the person that was flagged was marked as a member of a terrorist group. I'm pretty sure pot is a little lower on the list of priorities.

I don't think that I am under investigation, it wouldn't be worth their time to investigate a small time user. I am just having trouble accepting the fact that my address is most likely burned. It kind of feels like they cancelled my birthday because I won't be receiving anymore presents in the mail.

I really love SR, what it stands for, and this community of like-minded people so it's really upsetting. Also, I'm relatively new to my town so I don't have any real life connects. Luckily, I have an awesome girlfriend and we can easily get a PO box in her name. I think that is the only solution, and even then I will have to be extra vigilant.

I will also be ordering a shitload of legal stuff from Amazon and ebay just to waste their fucking time :)
Title: Re: U.S. Domestic Love Letter
Post by: ProudCannabian on August 19, 2013, 01:11 am
Why wouldn't they flag it?
It's an x in a box, it's not like they have to personally check each package.  These days we have these newfangled computers that can do a lot of work for us.
If you get international mail they will likely send it to a sniffing room.
Domestic mail is pretty safe more-or-less, because you don't have customs agents looking at it.
Your life, your gamble though.
Title: Re: U.S. Domestic Love Letter
Post by: rynoragin on August 19, 2013, 01:36 am
I don't know why people aren't just telling you that YES YOU ARE FLAGGED. NEXT!

Title: Re: U.S. Domestic Love Letter
Post by: boosties on August 19, 2013, 01:57 am
Personally I would be more worried about a domestic letter than a international pack siezed.
That would be enough for me to make other arrangements
Title: Re: U.S. Domestic Love Letter
Post by: Astyanax on August 19, 2013, 02:09 am
There is only one way to know for sure and that certainly isn't worth the risk. I definitely consider myself lucky because I didn't get a CD and it's easy enough for me to make other arrangements. Thanks for the insight guys. I just wish someone had actual insider scoop of how Postal Inspectors operate.
Title: Re: U.S. Domestic Love Letter
Post by: samesamebutdifferent on August 19, 2013, 05:23 am
You can bounce this around the forums all day long, some people will tell you not to worry others will tell you to be cautious. At the end of the day why take pointless risks, assume it's flagged and clean house. They clearly nabbed a few in transits, they know the originator source is a SR vendor, you would be fucking crazy to just assume nothing will happen.

No one has ever regretted being over cautious (I think that's an astor quote), many have regretted not being cautious enough though, your call mate but I know what I would be doing.