Silk Road forums

Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: Boulder on December 04, 2012, 02:03 am

Title: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: Boulder on December 04, 2012, 02:03 am
So I don't want to go into too many details yet, but I received an order today from a vendor, and the product was not as advertised in fact I don't even think it was "low quality" or anything I think it wasn't a drug period, and a fucking beverage. 

What do I do? Should I finalize still? Should I wait, and click resolve? The vendor hasn't responded yet, it's only been a few hours though. I messaged SR Support on SR too. I want a FULL REFUND as I'm very disappointed. Not only that, but this messed up a lot of things.  Shitty time for a first/second purchase on SilkRoad............

Please help thanks everyone.
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: berry13 on December 04, 2012, 02:15 am
Why can't you provide details? If you have been scammed then there is no reason to hide the facts to make everyone else more aware.

That being said, we can't really help you until we know what happened.
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: Boulder on December 04, 2012, 02:29 am
Okay. I placed an order with DB4DH for a gram of Heroin I had waited a while, and canceled, but then he started talking to me so I placed another order with him as long as he would communicate more I said which he started to just so I could know I was getting my order out.

I placed a custom order for a gram he gave a gram and a half. I see why now.....I got tracking it was the wrong one. he gave the right one today after it arrived saying sorry we just noticed we gave teh wrong one. I was nice though and said thank you. I worked with them and was content the whole time.

It smelled like coffee. It burned when snorted so bad you'd tear up you could tell it wasn't dope. You could see it in the water when disolved. On their page it says "refined in turkey lab" or something like that.....more like cut to shit with coffee if even cut and not just coffee in a turkey lab........... :(  I want a refund I'm really not happy about this. I spent a total of 9.73 BTC's

I know it's not THAT much but it's still money I could have used to buy REAL heroin, and get my money back. Not to mention a first transaction on Silk Road....
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: berry13 on December 04, 2012, 02:41 am
Can you find the listing? It sounds like you just bought crappy H, what did he say about the quality in the listing?
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: Boulder on December 04, 2012, 02:47 am
I can't get the custom listing up it shows under my orders as this

tx #   item   quantity   seller   status   auto finalize   
a75a0e9ca1    Custom listing for boulder32    1    deathb4dishonor(93)    in transit    14 days    finalize | resolve
* Hover over words for more information

He said this in the listing,

Pure grade heroin #4. Product is Afghanistan heroin, refined in a Turkish lab. Very strong.

If you are an old customer, please be advised that this is a new supply (as of Nov 29th) and much more potent than any of our previous product offerings for heroin #4.

Payment accepted exclusively through escrow - do not finalize to release your funds until you receive the product.

Delivery is guaranteed or your money back!

I don't think it's just crappy heroin man.. it's nothing like heroin at all. I've test plenty of heroin before, and this is not heroin if it is, it's cut like I mentioned, and that's like 90% coffee 10% if that dope.
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: berry13 on December 04, 2012, 03:02 am
Yeah by the looks of it he pulled one over on you. I'd say take it to the resolution center on silk road. Have you finalized yet?
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: Boulder on December 04, 2012, 03:04 am
This is fucking ridiculous. No I didn't finalize, I don;t plan on it now. I should wait, and hit resolve right?

I thought something was up when he said he wanted me to finalize after he gave me tracking, which I agreed I would since he was going to do a little extra.

 Then he says I don't need to the next day when he gives me tracking.
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: berry13 on December 04, 2012, 03:05 am
Yes. And notify the vendor that you will. It wouldn't hurt to contact DPR either, but I'd wait on that.
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: Boulder on December 04, 2012, 03:09 am
I already notified DPR on the forums and the SR Support on SR. And then vendor.
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: redfunguy on December 04, 2012, 03:44 am
I've never done H but have been following listings for months with my eye on some that is good quality that can be snorted and that seems super scarce or even non existent.  I stopped following db4dh listings long ago after seeing numerous reviews that his H is shit.  $100 for a gram would throw up a flag right there, nobody else's prices are even close to that.  If I would have got that in the mail and thrown it on the scale and seen 1.5g I would have been sad right off the bat because there is no way someone would come on SR and charge a small fraction of the dope price for something that was actually dope.  Sorry for your loss.   :(
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: Boulder on December 05, 2012, 01:27 am
DeathB4DisHonor finally messaged me back.....Although I can't believe he is still claiming this..It kind of disgusts me that he is.....BUT he replied with this.........

Hello friend,
We understand that you are not satisfied with your order. The product itself is very strong quality heroin. However, we did put the material in our coffee grinder to remove the hardened rocks. There is no cut, just a few stray coffee grounds.  Even if we wanted to cut our product, we would never use a material that could not dissolve, like coffee grounds. Obviously that would make no sense whatsoever.
Clearly if we had anticipated this result we would not have pureed our product in this manner. We would be happy to send you a replacement order of our on hand stock if you are willing hold your rating at 5/5 as per your contract.  Thank you for your patience and consideration in this matter!

All the best,

I replied with this........To better help support my claim, and show you it's NOT heroin like you claim, I just tested like I said again, and it all clumped up in my nose I took it out of my nose, and it's not heroin man, I put it in water, and drank it. It taste like coffee...

Well because it IS coffee my friend. If you claim you ran it through the coffee grinder it left behind 90% of your heroin and only coffee came out, because I'm 150% it's coffee without a doubt now, and am not happy at all, and am getting more unhappy with the lack of communication at the moment especially since I just got shafted with coffee instead, and you're still claiming it's high quality heroin.

When I just decided to give benefit of the doubt AGAIN thinking maybe it was something I did wrong, but no I now know I'm not doing anything wrong, and you sent me fucking coffee. (Sorry for my language not trying to use profanity, but this is not something a vendor should do, not to mention that we discussed future orders, etc for a while before I placed my order/during my order.) 

My man I've been very calm, and courteous with you throughout my whole order even when mistakes were made, and other things were wrong.
I would think the least you could do would be to fully refund me for false advertisement of your item.

I respectfully would have to decline your offer of a reshipment of "product on hand" that you have offered because it is the same as what you have just sent me am I right? So why would I want to get sent another 1.5 grams of coffee.? In a sense I'd be stuck in the same position I am now, and would have to go through all these unnecessary transactions, and back and forth messages which I have to wait a day or so for you to answer, and so on.
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: 46&2 on December 05, 2012, 01:54 am
you will probably have a long, drawn-out resolution with sr admin. good luck
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: nusakan on December 05, 2012, 02:18 am
a reputable vendor def thought it was in his best interests to send coffee.......

A 92 rating is reputable now? Especially with multiple 5/5's complaining about potency?
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: Boulder on December 05, 2012, 03:03 am
Wow I don;t need you few childish members in here, I'm not trying to scam him at all, I'm not try to intentionally get my money back, I'd rather have money back then get coffee again it seriously is I even made REGULAR coffee with what he sent me and it was like drinking coffee you buy at a store. I'm not stupid.  Of course I wouldn't want a reship if he offers the same product as a reship because it'd be pointless we would be ending up right back at the same spot.

And look at his reviews alot of them like the poster above complain about it smelling "sweet" and potency. Well I went forward because he claimed it was A LOT stronger than the reviews that he had because it was new...well it may be new, but the last batch had to have been better if people actually got effects from it I can't get any effect period from various methods of administration.

I don't know how many times I must repeat myself I sound like a broken record explaining to you guys that obviously can't read. This is coffee I know what coffee is, and this is it. I'm not tarnishing his reputation with childish bantering I'm trying to resolve the situation stop being so anal.  And obviously you didn't read my post if you did you would have saw that he did say he ran it through the COFFEE GRINDER well it must have left behind all the dope, OR he cut it, because I can see the coffee if I dissolve it or if it's snorted it clumps, or if you taste it it taste JUST like coffee powder I have in my house. Did you NOT see my statement about how I made a fucking cup of actually coffee with what he sent me ? how the heck is that possible if it was heroin in the bags? It's not because Heroin doesn't decompose, or whatever have you into Coffee.

Don't bother commenting in the thread if you're going to be ignorant.

Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: TerrorByte on December 05, 2012, 03:08 am
a reputable vendor def thought it was in his best interests to send coffee........

LOL You used reputable and DB4D in the same sentence. Dude has always had issues, and his dope sucks. And LOL at "per your contract", what a douchebag.
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: technopium on December 05, 2012, 04:38 am
Boulder- get your $ back and move to the next and more HONEST and REPUTABLE vendor.  DB4D has been pulling these "I will give you what you originally purchased because I tried to scam you and you didn't fall for it as long as you leave the feedback 5/5" scams for as long as I have been a member here. The guy already admitted it was coffee and if he isn't checking each order 100X before he sends it out, he never will because it seems his orders are and have been mostly bunk.
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: Boulder on December 05, 2012, 02:39 pm
I would if he would actually take the damn time to sit down, and work this out with me instead of one fucking message every other day or so.

And yes Aurelius Venport he does what a surprise it would have been if you would have took the time to actually read about this, and check on the vendor before calling me out without any knowledge of the incident. Second it doesn't matter nor does this have ANYTHING to do with you or what YOU would do, so why even bring that up. Just because YOU wouldn't cut someones dope doesn't mean that other people automatically won't now. Or that I'm trying to scam the vendor. lol.

It depends what a point is to you but yes generally it's $20 if you cant find people I can get grams for $100 around here it just isn't the greatest or as good as the gear I could get for $150 a gram so don't try to pull another thing where just because your buddy can't get grams cheaper than $20 a point that it is impossible.
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: JezuzWazaMushroom on December 05, 2012, 02:55 pm
One name will solve any future dramas you may have...


That cat's the world's no.1 G!

Thank me later ;-)
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: HomeGrown on December 05, 2012, 03:13 pm
wrong thread
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: shitwassocash on December 05, 2012, 06:09 pm
He's demanding a 5/5 "as per your contract" when he didn't fulfill his side of the "contract"

Some vendors are insistent on getting their 5/5s, but a reputable vendor would ask you hold off giving feedback until they fix their mistakes and EARN their 5/5.

Thanks for the heads up about this guy, he's shady as fuck.
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: Boulder on December 05, 2012, 06:58 pm
He's not even responding to me now, and SR Support still wont do anything for me I have to wait until resolve is available which is outrageous. They can't even guarantee I'll get a full refund or refund at all...........I wonder what will happen.
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: NoddingOff on December 05, 2012, 07:06 pm
Never ever EVER order from DB4D!!

Dope is AWFUL. Customer service is AWFUL. Took him almost a month to send me like 200mg of SHIT because my order "got lost in his mess of orders" or something. If you look on these forums you'll find he is FAR from a reputable member. $100 a gram on the road is very very cheap but hell you're paying for quality, consistency and stealthy fuckin' packaging so obviously shit's gonna be more expensive.

Do more research on the forums to find better vendors and always look them up on here before placing an order.

Good luck, man!

Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: Boulder on December 05, 2012, 07:26 pm
A little late for that Noddingoff lol where were you when I needed you eh ?

Customer service was actually good for me UNTIL now, he's lacking communication and not responding if he does which he only did that once the other day he responded a day or more later.
That's NOT right especially when he KNOWS what happened now.

It's not even awful heroin it's not even heroin Noddingoff , it's coffee legitimate coffee I even made a cup of coffee by adding water, etc to it if you had read earlier posts.
How the hells that possible DB4DH if what I got was Heroin?  He even admitted he "ran" it through the coffee grinder, and there were chunks of coffee in it himself. Now that was NOT advertised in your listing that it's VERY STRONG PURE heroin...but I forgot to leave out im going to run it through my coffee grinder and let chunks of coffee get into it because that's not important at all.

I did do research I said earlier in this thread a few times I just gave him a benefit of the doubt because he said he had new product. I have 2 people that I'll only buy from now unless others could prove they are good i dont know if that would be possible though cause I'm more than likely not giving anyone else a chance besides who I worked with so far Prejator (New vendor by the  way who is the best to work with) And Subsandaddy I haven't even done business with him yet, but he has me as a customer for sure.

Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: Boulder on December 05, 2012, 11:14 pm
Now he has read my messages, and is just not responding to me.
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: Slicksuit on December 06, 2012, 12:05 am
Now he has read my messages, and is just not responding to me.

Why do you keep contacting him?

Let SR deal with it, he is obviously a dirty robbing scumbag, notify SR and let them kick his ass to the kerb.
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: RadioDog on December 06, 2012, 12:36 am
I had my worst vendor experience with DB4D, and it was my first order as well. He should be ousted. His coke is shit, his heroin is shit, his shipping is shit, his communication is shit, his timeliness is shit. DB4D is SHIT.
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: BenJesuit on December 06, 2012, 12:58 am
And when you do contact SR resolutions, be sure to provide them a link to this thread. Seeing the confirming opinions of others may sway their decision in your favor.
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: ThePhoenix on December 06, 2012, 01:01 am
I am having a problem with my vendor (different vendor, different product)

I am hesitant to use the resolve as I don't want to be labeled a scammer. I have had no other issues with other vendors. I heard that vendor have a forum not accessible to customers that they can discuss us. I do NOT want to be blacklisted

he doesnt seem to care about the rating as I seem to be the only one he stuck. No other bad reviews. I think he choose me because I am newbie and dont now the ropes on how to handle. He just unloaded some crap on me. see my post on other forum.....

are you new here also? one of your first orders?

let me know how the resolve thing goes.  PM me if you need to

Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: Boulder on December 06, 2012, 07:17 pm
Even though I've claimed it's coffee because I made a cup of coffee with it, I've decided to test the product again thinking maybe it was the first two bags only so I took the last bag to test.

I just snorted a whole half of a gram (the full bag) and NOTHING not one slight effect at all.Just a lot of burn, and drip that taste like coffee, and that's all I can smell now.

Yes it was a dumb idea, I know, I just wanted to prove DB4DH was LYING about his product, and really should not be aloud to be a vendor here on the SR unless they can get their shit together, and get real product.   

To the above person.

*Am I new here?* Hard question to answer, but the easy answer is- Yes.

*My first order?* Pretty much it was my first, but canceled then replaced after I made, and received two other orders, so technically my third order.
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: ch0sen on December 06, 2012, 08:23 pm

I think it sucks that even known good vendors have the upper hand on newbies.  They can use their good ratings to rip off a newbie and then just blame the new buyer as being a scammer.  I really wish there was a way around that.

I asked a very reputable dealer recently if they can sell a different amount of a certain product they have advertised.  The response was for me to send the BTC and a little extra for shipping.  No escrow or anything. 

Then when nothing showed and I complained I would be marked the liar scammer. 

So it seems that newbies, although they are even more money for the sellers, have to take extra care in how they work on SR.  I could be marked a scammer before I even have a few buys under my belt.   

good luck!
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: samesamebutdifferent on December 06, 2012, 08:36 pm
Why is it as soon as a buyer has a problem some people assume they are scamming, a 92 rating isn't exactly a ringing endorsement. To be fair this buyer started off not wanting to share too many details and only did when pressed for info, doesn't sound like a scammer to me. It could be entirely possible the vendor fucked up, they admitted to grinding the product in a coffee grinder AFTER the buyer said it smelled/looked like coffee not before, quite a coincidence wouldn't you say??

Take it to resolution and state your claim and let SR decide.
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: FBI on December 07, 2012, 12:25 am
Bit off the subject but look at this super iffy account!  KURTs http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/user/ea60a31eb9
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: JezuzWazaMushroom on December 07, 2012, 08:43 am
Bit off the subject but look at this super iffy account!  KURTs http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/user/ea60a31eb9

This is probably BTKoin themselves!
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: THUMBSuP. on December 07, 2012, 11:50 am
a reputable vendor def thought it was in his best interests to send coffee.......

A 92 rating is reputable now? Especially with multiple 5/5's complaining about potency?

DB4D was down to like a (78) or so a few weeks ago..
pretty sure he is fixing his feed back.

Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: technopium on December 08, 2012, 04:23 am
Bit off the subject but look at this super iffy account!  KURTs http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/user/ea60a31eb9

Nice find FBI.  Most def a SCAMMER account.  People don't buy those books when you can dload them for free all day.  Scammers and BTC rippers will most likely have some very cheap priced items, them register a bunch of fake accounts and buy these low price items to build up their rep and feedback.  Once that is all set- the RAPING and pillaging begin.  It does look like he got some negative scores somewhere, but I didn't go back far enough to find out why.
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: Funbagz on December 08, 2012, 06:21 am
Can I throw in my 2 hundredths of a bitcoin here? I don't a whole lot about DB4D other than he is an obvious fan of 5FDP band. I've followed his listings since I joined and have chosen other vendors mainly because I don't even remember HOW to snort dope. It all goes in my arm. Base H is not great for IV less you wanna put citric acid in it which is excellent for your veins. However his success level suggests that he isn't a direct scammer.\

Now I will avoid actually giving advise on this and give "what i would do."

I would consider accepting DB4D's offer of reship. SR may very well try to push this idea also, I have no idea. Reason for my thoughts: Many vendors from whom I've done business with, and others who've I've been watching, seem to have Employees. Big vendors aren't just one guy doing these things. Perhaps one of his drop-shippers is the one who swapped your shit with coffee. It makes a lot of sense. The person could have been in WD and really needing the H. He/she would NOT have bothered to weigh the coffee which explains the overweight. This scenario I've imagined is very Dope-fiend-like behavior. Perhaps DB4D wants to rectify the situation.

Regardless of the route you choose, You're in for a long ride. SR Resolution will take time. Accepting the reship will take time. Your Bitcoins are gone for a couple months minimum. Go buy some more and get the drugs you want, and be patient about your resolution.
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: Boulder on December 08, 2012, 10:53 am
No he doesn't want to fix anything he scammed me straight up. He wont respond to ANY messages now he did respond once more after I said I'd accept his reship he said hes sorry he couldnt because he already shipped out what he had on hand and I may think hes being unreasonable but it always seems like the customers are unsatisfied and he does nothing wrong is pretty much what the message said and thanks for being patient and to message if I needed anything.............THAT JUST AVOIDED THE WHOLE SITUATUION he needs to man up stop being a fucking dick and just admit he fucked up. I even messaged and said I'm so fed up that I'd be content with even half of my money $60 of it just to end this and give me some money so I wasn't stuck without any product..and I got the message that I mentioned above. No he scammed me No it has to be intentionally why else would someone act like this, and send me coffee.

Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: Flotzam on December 08, 2012, 05:05 pm
I'm new here and have only made a couple of purchases so far.  Whenever I make a non-trivial purchase for anything, I always do a lot of research to make sure I'm getting a good deal.  Here, I usually search the forums for the vendor name and see what comes up.  As with anything on the internet, you can't believe everything you read and sometimes I have a hard time discerning truth from bullshit.  I was considering DB4d's gear initially, but decided against it after reading in the rumor mill of unknown substances showing up.  That is the one thing that scares me the most about this game, is for a seller-fiend to throw some random crap they find around the house that looks like dope into a bag, and then somebody slams a big dose and ends up dead or worse.

In light of the OP's experience, I have a few questions from the perspective of a buyer wanting to avoid scams:

How reliable is seller feedback, and can it be manipulated? Is there any way to tell if this is occurring?
How pervasive is sock puppeting by both sellers and their competitors on the forums?
How common is it for buyers to scam sellers by claiming not as advertised, etc.?

I know the SR staff that has to sort these disputes out, they must have some kind of system to resolve claims.  I would imagine as this place grows, it must be hard to keep up with the dispute resolution since these can obviously be complicated to sort through.

One thing I have noticed is that the practice of FE has become so pervasive that it is making it much easier for scammers, and tilts the advantage heavily toward the sellers.  It has become so pervasive that the selection of non-FE policy is limited and eager buyers are willing to do it, and leaving feedback at the same time.  I can understand FE for spanking new buyers with little feedback, and the frustration of honest sellers having do deal with BS or having to wait for their coins, but this practice still opens the door wide open for seller scams. 

Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: spazzmatrazz on January 07, 2013, 01:44 pm
Nice find FBI.  Most def a SCAMMER account.  People don't buy those books when you can dload them for free all day.  Scammers and BTC rippers will most likely have some very cheap priced items, them register a bunch of fake accounts and buy these low price items to build up their rep and feedback.  Once that is all set- the RAPING and pillaging begin.  It does look like he got some negative scores somewhere, but I didn't go back far enough to find out why.

FWIW I bought one of his ebooks and he did deliver quickly.  One could argue that it is unnecessary as there are other sources to pirate from (but the same could be said of ITMS.)

Anyway aren't scores weighted by transaction value?  (so if you get 5-star feedback on 100 ebooks at $0.20 each, just one 1-star feedback on a $100 item will negate all of it?)
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: warmkitty on January 07, 2013, 05:44 pm
Even though I've claimed it's coffee because I made a cup of coffee with it, I've decided to test the product again thinking maybe it was the first two bags only so I took the last bag to test.

I just snorted a whole half of a gram (the full bag) and NOTHING not one slight effect at all.Just a lot of burn, and drip that taste like coffee, and that's all I can smell now.

Yes it was a dumb idea, I know, I just wanted to prove DB4DH was LYING about his product, and really should not be aloud to be a vendor here on the SR unless they can get their shit together, and get real product.   

To the above person.

*Am I new here?* Hard question to answer, but the easy answer is- Yes.

*My first order?* Pretty much it was my first, but canceled then replaced after I made, and received two other orders, so technically my third order.

Ffs dont go getting addicted to snorting coffee bro - thats the last thing you need right now .
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: DrGoNZOhear on January 07, 2013, 10:49 pm
How reliable is seller feedback, and can it be manipulated? Is there any way to tell if this is occurring?
How pervasive is sock puppeting by both sellers and their competitors on the forums?
How common is it for buyers to scam sellers by claiming not as advertised, etc.?

One thing I have noticed is that the practice of FE has become so pervasive that it is making it much easier for scammers, and tilts the advantage heavily toward the sellers.  It has become so pervasive that the selection of non-FE policy is limited and eager buyers are willing to do it, and leaving feedback at the same time.  I can understand FE for spanking new buyers with little feedback, and the frustration of honest sellers having do deal with BS or having to wait for their coins, but this practice still opens the door wide open for seller scams. 

Seller feedback can be manipulated but is hard to pinpoint, also many people will put 5/5 before actually trying the product so it is definitely not the best place to make your decision on whether or not to buy.  Always do your research on the forums because although it is not perfect you can get a much better feel for the seller than on his feedback.  Sock puppeting does happen but if 95% of people are giving good reviews and there are a handful of people claiming the seller goods are shit etc... than ignore the handful for the most part.  As far as FE don't unless it is a last resort and only do it with very reputable people but once you have a few purchases under your belt you should have no problem finding people that wont require you to FE.. Hopes this helps 
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: NorCalKing on January 08, 2013, 01:01 am
Folks, this is why DPR made the "report this vendor " bigger than become a fan!  Use the fucking button for what it's for!  Then get back in the rumor mill & check on him, & when you find other compadres, contact them & have them report his ass as well!  We don't need fucked up bullshit vendors on here fucking things up for the rest of us who are trying to make this site "a cut above."

Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: GlassHouse on January 08, 2013, 01:24 am

I think it sucks that even known good vendors have the upper hand on newbies.  They can use their good ratings to rip off a newbie and then just blame the new buyer as being a scammer.  I really wish there was a way around that.

I asked a very reputable dealer recently if they can sell a different amount of a certain product they have advertised.  The response was for me to send the BTC and a little extra for shipping.  No escrow or anything. 

Then when nothing showed and I complained I would be marked the liar scammer. 

So it seems that newbies, although they are even more money for the sellers, have to take extra care in how they work on SR.  I could be marked a scammer before I even have a few buys under my belt.   

good luck!

Newbies are welcome at the GlassHouse.  We don't push for FE, and will be the first to advise against it.  We also are willing to answer any questions that our "virgin" clients have.  Think it would be fair to say that half of our clients are loyal regulars, and the other half are newbies, and we haven't had any problems with scamming.  (knocking of every piece of wood in the house).  Everyone has to start somewhere, and treating people with respect increases our loyal client base.  Surprises me how some vendors seem to forget that.
Title: Re: What the hell should I do.? PLEASE HELP
Post by: 420SLINGER on January 08, 2013, 01:41 am
I already notified DPR on the forums and the SR Support on SR. And then vendor.

no escrow??????