It is highly likely these forums are under LE control, please exercise EXTREME caution if you are still using this site. The criminal complaint indicates that the servers have been imaged since mid-2012, they have access to all site communications (PMs etc.), and the only way to take down a .onion site other than by compromising the private key associated with it is by seizing the server, right now it seems that that is now the case. This will be my final post on these forums and I needed to say what an honor and a privilege it has been to serve the SR community. My best advise right now is to consider the worst case scenario and plan accordingly. I now need to go and take care of my affairs, I wish I could tell you more but I only know as much as I have posted here. This is a terrible end to a beautiful thing, please try to remember what we were doing here, this goes so far beyond just scoring drugs on the internet, this is SO much more important than just that so in the coming days, weeks and months when this is discussed and analyzed it will be easy to lose sight of what we were doing, please hold on to the core reasons that brought us here and what made this place unique and such an incredibly important force for positive change in the world. LE may have won this battle, it is now time to take the fight to them and stand up and be counted for what we know to be right. Travel safe roaders. ssbd over and out.