Hahahaha you're are such a crack up coachella, relentless with the lies and FUD as always For anyone curious as to the intentions and identities of this individual here is some background for you: Banned vendor accounts: 1) coachella420 2) InfiniteSource 3) boostintoHYPERSPACE 4) DealerOfDrugs Current active vendor account: 1) hallucinating horse (in stealth mode) Forum alts and shills (just the main ones, there are literally dozens more): 1) InfiniteSource 3) ScammerHoundDog 4) MindBlower 5) UnlimitedLife (was opened to discredit the real vendor, then ownership of the forum account was resorted to the rightful vendor) 6) DealerOfDrugs 7) DoD RussianUnderGroundTrap 9) Kineticillation 10) hallucinating horse You were banned for being a self confessed FE scammer who threatens his buyers remember, no one go near this crazy sociopath cop magnet with a ten foot barge pole!