^^^ This, a thousand times this! I'm sorry but I am reaching my threshold for tolerance for the whinging, the whining and the boo fucking hoo my coins were stolen by the mean vendor man when I finalized early for my ounce of weed because he sounded like a really nice guy and I wanted to help him out, or he said he would ship for free, or chuck in some extra, or some other lame arse excuse for giving up the one and only safety net you have when walking the SR tight rope buying illegal drugs from some anonymous person on the internet. No one forces you to FE, you do it all by yourself whilst hopefully in full control of all your faculties. I have lost count of the threads in customer support from buyers easily parted from their bitcoins by one scam or another. I respond to each and every one with the same message, please do not FE. If you don't want to get scammed choose your vendors carefully and stay in escrow, how hard is to do some reading (hard for some I know) and use the protections built into the site. What amazes me more than anything is how people continue to FE when all the feedback on the vendor page is fucking FE FE FE FE FE! I'm sorry but if you miss that massive neon flashing red warning sign combined now with pages of discussion threads screaming scam then IMHO you really need to consider if you should be using SR at all because you are simply not getting it.