I'm sorry, did you call me a "little cunt who is negging people?", I take exception to that, cunts are nice warm places. Just because I am logged in does not mean I am active on the forums so no I was not scouring my mental faculties for hours thinking up that post you referred to, Jesus you really should consider working as a fiction writer, your flights of fantasy are quite incredible. And seeing as you are clearly stalking my movements, reading my posts, looking to see when I log in and out etc can I suggest you get a life instead, its much more fulfilling and enjoyable i can assure you. ... To PrincessHIGH I have never, not once negged you, whether you want to believe that or not is entirely up to you. Like I said before I would like nothing more than to draw a line under this, I will not however just roll over and be defamed by you Razorspyne, your forum tactics embody all the traits you are projecting in my direction, get a mirror and take a look at yourself. Oh yes and one last thing, yes I am in Australia, what of it? if you have a point (or threat) to make then make it don't use one of those stupid emoticons you love so much to try and infer you were being lighthearted. Over and out... *disclaimer no one was negged in the writing of this post, any negs that did take place are not the doing of this poster.